PowerShell Get-Date Unix Format %? Results

A little curiosity I thought I’d share! I wanted to format dates in PowerShell in a particular way, and wanted to know what the Get-Date -uFormat %? result is for every letter in the alphabet - lowercase and capitals (replacing the ? each time with a letter.) So, I wrote this one liner:

$alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; ""; "PowerShell Get-Date -uFormat %? Results"; "Date = " + (Get-Date); ""; "%? Result".PadRight(28," ") + "%? Result"; "~~ ~~~~~~".PadRight(28," ") + "~~ ~~~~~~"; $i=0; while ($i -lt 26){ [String]$lcase = $alphabet[$i]; [String]$ucase = $lcase.ToUpper(); $column2 = get-date -uformat %$lcase; $column4 = get-date -uformat %$ucase; ($lcase.PadRight(3," ")) + $column2.trim("`n").trim("`t").PadRight(25," ") + ($ucase.PadRight(3," ")) + $column4.trim("`n").trim("`t"); $i++ }; ""

Okay, it’s not really a proper one liner with all those semi-colons in, but it does work all from one line …

And here’s the output:

PowerShell Get-Date -uFormat %? Results
Date = 02/23/2015 14:35:15

%? Result                   %? Result
~~ ~~~~~~                   ~~ ~~~~~~
a  Mon                      A  Monday
b  Feb                      B  February
c  Mon Feb 23 14:35:15 2015 C  20
d  23                       D  02/23/15
e  23                       E  E
f  f                        F  F
g  15                       G  2015
h  Feb                      H  14
i  i                        I  02
j  54                       J  J
k  14                       K  K
l  02                       L  L
m  02                       M  35
n                           N  N
o  o                        O  O
p  PM                       P  P
q  q                        Q  Q
r  02:35:15 PM              R  14:35
s  1424702115.27574         S  15
t                           T  14:35:15
u  1                        U  7
v  v                        V  8
w  1                        W  7
x  02/23/15                 X  14:35:15
y  15                       Y  2015
z  z                        Z  +07
