Renaming a Cluster and Vserver (SVM) which has Existing Peers

Renaming the Cluster is easy and disruptive to nothing:

OLD::> hostname CLU
Are you sure you want to rename the cluster? {y|n}: y
Info: The cluster name has been changed to CLU.

Renaming the Vserver with existing Vserver peers in place isn’t so easy (hence this blog post):

CLU::> vserver rename -vserver OLDSVM -newname SVM
Error: command failed: Cannot rename a Vserver that is part of inter cluster Vserver peer relationship. Delete the Vserver peer relationship to proceed.

As instructed, delete the vserver peer relationship:

CLU::> vserver peer show -vserver OLDSVM
CLU::> vserver peer delete -vserver OLDSVM -peer-vserver SRCSVM
Error: command failed: Relationship is in use by SnapMirror in local cluster. Use the "snapmirror delete" command to delete the application, then retry the command.

As instructed, delete all the snapmirrors (first recording the details of them):

CLU::> rows 0
CLU::> snapmirror show -source-vserver SRCSVM -destination-vserver OLDSVM -instance
CLU::> snapmirror show -source-vserver SRCSVM -destination-vserver OLDSVM -fields source-path,destination-path,policy,schedule,type
CLU::> snapmirror delete -source-vserver SRCSVM -destination-vserver OLDSVM -destination-volume *

And go onto the source cluster and release all the SnapMirrors:

SRC::> snapmirror release -source-vserver SRCSVM -destination-vserver OLDSVM -destination-volume *

Then delete the vserver peer relationship:

CLU::> vserver peer delete -vserver OLDSVM -peer-vserver SRCSVM

Then rename the SVM:

CLU::> vserver rename -vserver OLDSVM -newname SVM

Then recreate the vserver peer relationship:

CLU::> vserver peer create -vserver SVM -peer-vserver SRCSVM -peer-cluster SRC -applications snapmirror

And go onto the source cluster to complete the peer relation:

SRC::> vserver peer accept -vserver SRCSVM -peer-vserver SVM

The recreate all the SnapMirror relationships and resync:

CLU::> snapmirror create -source-vserver SRCSVM -source-volume {SRCVOL1} -destination-vserver OLDSVM -destination-volume {VOLUMENAME1} -type {TYPE} -schedule {SCHEDULE} -policy {POLICY}

CLU::> snapmirror create -source-vserver SRCSVM -source-volume {SRCVOL2} -destination-vserver OLDSVM -destination-volume {VOLUMENAME2} -type {TYPE} -schedule {SCHEDULE} -policy {POLICY}

and on ...

CLU::> snapmirror resync -source-vserver SRCSVM -destination-vserver OLDSVM -destination-volume *

Note: The lab environment was NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2.2P1.


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