Setting up a 2-Node cDOT 8.3.1 Simulator Cluster: Part 2/2 (Beyond the Cluster Setup Wizard)

Carrying on from part 1; very briefly (with no description), here is the rest of my basic 2-Node SIM build:

::> security login unlock -username diag
::> security login password -username diag
::> set -conf off; set diag; set -conf on
::*> systemshell -node CLU1-01

login: diag
password: XXXXXXXXX

% setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/sbin"
% echo $PATH
% cd /sim/dev/,disks
% ls
% sudo rm v1*
% sudo rm ,reservations
% cd /sim/dev/
% vsim_makedisks -h
% sudo vsim_makedisks -n 14 -t 31 -a 1
% sudo vsim_makedisks -n 14 -t 31 -a 2
% sudo vsim_makedisks -n 14 -t 31 -a 3
% ls ,disks/
% exit

::*> systemshell -node CLU1-02

login: diag
password: XXXXXXXXX

% setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/sbin"
% echo $PATH
% cd /sim/dev/,disks
% ls
% sudo rm v1*
% sudo rm ,reservations
% cd /sim/dev/
% vsim_makedisks -h
% sudo vsim_makedisks -n 14 -t 31 -a 1
% sudo vsim_makedisks -n 14 -t 31 -a 2
% sudo vsim_makedisks -n 14 -t 31 -a 3
% ls ,disks/
% exit

::*> security login lock -username diag
::*> set -conf off
::*> reboot -node !local -igno -inhi -skip
::*> reboot -node local -igno -inhi -skip

... Nodes Reboot ...

::> node rename -node CLU1-01 -newname CLU1N1
::> node rename -node CLU1-02 -newname CLU1N2
::> aggr rename -aggregate aggr0 -newname N1_root
::> aggr rename -aggregate aggr0_CLU1_02_0 -newname N2_root
::> net int rename -vserver CLU1 -lif CLU1-01_mgmt1 -newname N1_mgmt1
::> net int rename -vserver CLU1 -lif CLU1-02_mgmt1 -newname N2_mgmt1
::> net int rename -vserver Cluster -lif CLU1-01_clus1 -newname clus1
::> net int rename -vserver Cluster -lif CLU1-01_clus2 -newname clus2
::> net int rename -vserver Cluster -lif CLU1-02_clus1 -newname clus1
::> net int rename -vserver Cluster -lif CLU1-02_clus2 -newname clus2
::> sto aggr add-disks -aggregate N1_root -diskcount 9 -simulate
::> sto aggr add-disks -aggregate N1_root -diskcount 9
::> sto aggr add-disks -aggregate N2_root -diskcount 9 -simulate
::> sto aggr add-disks -aggregate N2_root -diskcount 9
::> vol size -vserver CLU1N1 -volume vol0 -new-size 6566400k
::> vol size -vserver CLU1N2 -volume vol0 -new-size 6566400k
::> node run -node CLU1N1 snap sched vol0 0 0 0
::> node run -node CLU1N2 snap sched vol0 0 0 0
::> node run -node CLU1N1 snap delete -a -f vol0
::> node run -node CLU1N2 snap delete -a -f vol0
::> sys lic add {N1_LICENSE} #CIFS
::> sys lic add {N1_LICENSE} #FCP
::> sys lic add {N1_LICENSE} #FlexClone
::> sys lic add {N1_LICENSE} #Insight_Balance
::> sys lic add {N1_LICENSE} #iSCSI
::> sys lic add {N1_LICENSE} #NFS
::> sys lic add {N1_LICENSE} #SnapLock
::> sys lic add {N1_LICENSE} #SnapLock_Enterprise
::> sys lic add {N1_LICENSE} #SnapManager
::> sys lic add {N1_LICENSE} #SnapMirror
::> sys lic add {N1_LICENSE} #SnapProtect
::> sys lic add {N1_LICENSE} #SnapRestore
::> sys lic add {N1_LICENSE} #SnapVault
::> sys lic add {N2_LICENSE} #CIFS
::> sys lic add {N2_LICENSE} #FCP
::> sys lic add {N2_LICENSE} #FlexClone
::> sys lic add {N2_LICENSE} #Insight_Balance
::> sys lic add {N2_LICENSE} #iSCSI
::> sys lic add {N2_LICENSE} #NFS
::> sys lic add {N2_LICENSE} #SnapLock
::> sys lic add {N2_LICENSE} #SnapLock_Enterprise
::> sys lic add {N2_LICENSE} #SnapManager
::> sys lic add {N2_LICENSE} #SnapMirror
::> sys lic add {N2_LICENSE} #SnapProtect
::> sys lic add {N2_LICENSE} #SnapRestore
::> sys lic add {N2_LICENSE} #SnapVault
::> system node autosupport modify -node * -state disable
::> cluster time-service ntp server create -server
::> timezone Europe/London
::> date

Note: Assigning disks from the 3 virtual shelves of 14 * 4GB disks we created (I think 4GB is plenty for a SIM, but up to 9GB is possible), creating data aggregates and data SVMs comes later!


  1. Good stuff. I read your blog a lot. Can you run a CIFS vserver in local user mode? Ie;

    (1) Active Directory domain authentication (Active Directory domains only)
    (2) Windows NT 4 domain authentication (Windows NT or Active Directory domains)
    (3) Windows Workgroup authentication using the filer's local user accounts

    option 3 above. I dont have an AD box and want to run CIFS.

    1. I hear that is coming in a future release but you must have an AD server currently to much of anything with CIFS.


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