OPM 2.0 Virtual Appliance Quick Install Notes: Part 4/4 (Further Administration)

Note: This post is essentially just a screenshot fest...

4) OnCommand Performance Manager Administration

If you click Administration in the top right corner, the following screen is displayed:

Image 1: OPM 2.0 Administration
4.1) Management

4.1.1: Users - “The Manage Users page displays a list of users and groups, and provides information such as the name, type of user, email address, and role. You can also perform tasks such as adding, editing, and deleting users.”

Image 2: OPM 2.0 Add User
4.1.2: Data Sources - “The Manage Data Sources page displays information about the clusters that Performance Manager is currently monitoring. This page enables you to add additional clusters, edit cluster settings, and remove clusters.”

Image 3: OPM 2.0 Add Cluster

4.2) Setup

4.2.1: Authentication - “You can use the Authentication page to configure the OnCommand management server to communicate with your authentication server. This enables remote users to be authenticated by the authentication server to access the management server.”

Image 4: OPM 2.0 Authentication
4.2.2: AutoSupport - “You use the AutoSupport page to send an on-demand AutoSupport message to technical support. The page also displays the product System ID, which is a unique ID for your Performance Manager instance that technical support uses to find your AutoSupport messages.”

Image 5: OPM 2.0 AutoSupport
4.2.3: Email - “You can configure an SMTP server that the Performance Manager server uses to send email notifications when an event is generated. You can also specify a From address that will appear as the sender in the email.”

Image 6: OPM 2.0 Email
4.2.4: HTTPS Certificate - “You can use the HTTPS Certificate page to view the current security certificate, download a certificate signing request, generate a new HTTPS certificate, or install a new HTTPS certificate.”

Image 7: OPM 2.0 HTTPS Certificate
4.2.5: Network - “You must configure the required network settings to connect to the Performance Manager server. You use the Network page to modify the settings of your network configuration.”

Image 8: OPM 2.0 Network
4.2.6: NTP Server - “You can use the NTP Server page to specify the NTP server that you want to use with Performance Manager. The Performance Manager server synchronizes its time with the time on the NTP server.”

Image 9: OPM 2.0 NTP Server
5) Configuration

Image 10: OPM 2.0 Configuration drop down
5.1: Threshold Policies - “You set threshold policies on cluster objects (for example, on aggregates and volumes) so that an event can be sent to the storage administrator to inform the administrator that the cluster is experiencing a performance issue.”

5.2: Event Handling - “You use the Event Handling page to specify which events from Performance Manager to alert on, and the email recipients for those alerts. If Performance Manager is connected to a Unified Manager server, you can also define whether the events are reported to Unified Manager.”


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