Clustershell Script to Build Two 2-Node 8.3.2 Clusters

I needed to produce the commands to build a couple of HA-pairs (prod and DR), so set about testing my commands with two 2-node SIM clusters...

Basic Cluster Setup

1) The SIM nodes were constructed along the lines here: Pre-Cluster Setup Image Build Recipe for 8.3.2 SIM. Each SIM has 8 virtual network adapters to simulate connectivity requirements.

2) The node setup and cluster setup were completed as below:

2.1) clu1n1

Welcome to node setup.
Enter the node management interface ...
.............. port: e0g
........ IP address:
........... netmask:
... default gateway:

Welcome to the cluster setup wizard.
Do you want to create a new cluster or join an existing cluster? create
Do you intend for this node to be used as a single node cluster? no
Will the cluster network be configured to use network switches? no
Do you want to use these defaults? yes

Enter the cluster ...
............... name: clu1

Enter an additional license key:

Enter the cluster management interface ...
.............. port: e0g
........ IP address:
........... netmask:
... default gateway:

Enter the DNS domain names: lab.priv
Enter the name server IP addresses:,
Where is the controller located: Site A

2.2) clu1n2

Welcome to node setup.
Enter the node management interface ...
.............. port: e0g
........ IP address:
........... netmask:
... default gateway:

Welcome to the cluster setup wizard.
Do you want to create a new cluster or join an existing cluster? join
Do you want to use these defaults? yes
Enter the name of the cluster you would like to join: clu1

2.3) clu2n1

Welcome to node setup.
Enter the node management interface ...
.............. port: e0g
........ IP address:
........... netmask:
... default gateway:

Welcome to the cluster setup wizard.
Do you want to create a new cluster or join an existing cluster? create
Do you intend for this node to be used as a single node cluster? no
Will the cluster network be configured to use network switches? no
Do you want to use these defaults? yes

Enter the cluster ...
............... name: clu2

Enter an additional license key:

Enter the cluster management interface ...
.............. port: e0g
........ IP address:
........... netmask:
... default gateway:

Enter the DNS domain names: lab.priv
Enter the name server IP addresses:,
Where is the controller located: Site B

2.4) clu2n2

Welcome to node setup.
Enter the node management interface ...
.............. port: e0g
........ IP address:
........... netmask:
... default gateway:

Welcome to the cluster setup wizard.
Do you want to create a new cluster or join an existing cluster? join
Do you want to use these defaults? yes
Enter the name of the cluster you would like to join: clu2

3) Simulating a real-world build:

3.1) Node feature licenses have been installed (factory delivered kit usually comes with pre-loaded licenses) with ::> license add [LICENSE_CODE]

3.2) We pretend the service-processors were configured by the installation engineer (of course these are SIMs with no SP) ::> service-processor network modify -node [NODENAME] -address-family IPv4 -enable true -dhcp none -ip-address [ADDRESS] -netmask [NETMASK] -gateway [GATEWAY]

3.3) Disk assignment, make sure the root aggregate is on the right disks, etcetera ... would have been done by the installation engineer.

Extended (Scripted) Clustered Setup

Note: Most of this can be done in the OnCommand System Manager but a lot easier to document Clustershell.

1) Configuring clu1::>

The commands below do the following:

i) Set the CLI inactivity timeout value (so we don’t get disconnected whilst doing our work)
ii) Rename the nodes per naming convention
iii) Rename the LIFs per naming convention/with their DNS name (not FQDN here)
iv) Rename the root aggregates per naming convention (in this scenario we have only SATA disks)
v) Set the timezone
vi) Configure NTP
vii) Autosupport - configure, check settings, trigger, and check history
viii) Disks - verify disk ownership, show spare disks, verify disk options (in this scenario we don’t have dedicated stacks, hence the assign on shelf)
ix) Create data aggregates
x) Disable aggregate snap schedule and delete aggregate snapshots
xi) Rename root volumes per naming convention, and set to 75% root aggr size
xii) Configure broadcast domains and any ifgrps
Note 1: In this scenario we have two ifgrps per node - one for routed traffic (public), one for non-routed traffic (datacenter).
Note 2: Since this is a SIM, I actually destroy the ifgrps later since they don’t work.
Note 3: e0h is our substitute for e0M which will only be used for the SP here (there is an iLO only network).
Note 4: Network ports are access ports - no VLANs required here.
Note 5: Ideally the mgmt broadcast domain would have more ports - there’s no failover for node mgmt here!
xii) Set flowcontrol to off
xiii) A little bit of tuning (not for SSD)
xiv) Verify licensing
xv) Create a basic multi-protocol SVM for testing purposes
Note 1: There’s just one LIF here for General NAS and SVM mgmt traffic. Ideally, we’d have a NAS LIF per node, and a separate mgmt LIF.
Note 2: SAN LIFs must exist on each node in a HA-pair for failover to work.
Note 3: We also do CIFS and domain-tunnel for AD authentication to the cluster
xvi) Create various security logins
xvii) Generate CSRs
xviii) MOTD

Clustershell commands::>

system timeout modify -timeout 0
node rename -node clu1-01 -newname clu1n1
node rename -node clu1-02 -newname clu1n2
net int rename -vserver Cluster -lif clu1-01_clus1 -newname clu1n1-clus1
net int rename -vserver Cluster -lif clu1-01_clus2 -newname clu1n1-clus2
net int rename -vserver Cluster -lif clu1-02_clus1 -newname clu1n2-clus1
net int rename -vserver Cluster -lif clu1-02_clus2 -newname clu1n2-clus2
net int rename -vserver clu1 -lif cluster_mgmt -newname clu1
net int rename -vserver clu1 -lif clu1-01_mgmt1 -newname clu1n1
net int rename -vserver clu1 -lif clu1-02_mgmt1 -newname clu1n2
aggr rename -aggregate aggr0 -newname clu1n1_sata_aggr_root
aggr rename -aggregate aggr0_clu1_02_0 -newname clu1n2_sata_aggr_root
timezone -timezone Asia/Ulan_Bator
cluster time-service ntp server create -server

system autosupport modify -node * -state enable -transport HTTP -proxy-url -mail-hosts, -from clu1@lab.priv -noteto itadmin@lab.priv
system autosupport show -instance
system autosupport invoke -node * -type all -message WEEKLY_LOG
system autosupport history show -node clu1n1
system autosupport history show -node clu1n2

rows 0
disk show -owner clu1n1
disk show -owner clu1n2
disk show -owner clu1n1 -container-type spare
disk show -owner clu1n2 -container-type spare
disk option show
disk option modify -node * -autoassign-policy shelf

storage aggregate show
storage aggregate create -aggregate clu1n1_sata_aggr1 -diskcount 14 -maxraidsize 14 -node clu1n1 -simulate true
storage aggregate create -aggregate clu1n1_sata_aggr1 -diskcount 14 -maxraidsize 14 -node clu1n1
storage aggregate create -aggregate clu1n2_sata_aggr1 -diskcount 14 -maxraidsize 14 -node clu1n2 -simulate true
storage aggregate create -aggregate clu1n2_sata_aggr1 -diskcount 14 -maxraidsize 14 -node clu1n2

node run -node * snap sched -A
node run -node clu1n1 snap sched -A clu1n1_sata_aggr1 0 0 0
node run -node clu1n1 snap delete -A -a -f clu1n1_sata_aggr1
node run -node clu1n2 snap sched -A clu1n2_sata_aggr1 0 0 0
node run -node clu1n2 snap delete -A -a -f clu1n2_sata_aggr1

vol show
vol rename -vserver clu1n1 -volume vol0 -new clu1n1_vol0
vol rename -vserver clu1n2 -volume vol0 -new clu1n2_vol0
set -units MB
aggr show *root -fields size
vol size -vserver clu1n1 -volume clu1n1_vol0 -new-size 8100m
vol size -vserver clu1n2 -volume clu1n2_vol0 -new-size 8100m

net int revert *
net int show
net port show
broadcast-domain show
broadcast-domain split -broadcast-domain Default -new-broadcast-domain mgmt -ports clu1n1:e0g,clu1n2:e0g
broadcast-domain split -broadcast-domain Default -new-broadcast-domain ilo -ports clu1n1:e0h,clu1n2:e0h
broadcast-domain remove-ports -broadcast-domain Default -ports clu1n1:e0c,clu1n1:e0d,clu1n1:e0e,clu1n1:e0f,clu1n2:e0c,clu1n2:e0d,clu1n2:e0e,clu1n2:e0f
ifgrp create -node clu1n1 -ifgrp a0a -mode multimode_lacp -distr-func ip
ifgrp create -node clu1n2 -ifgrp a0a -mode multimode_lacp -distr-func ip
ifgrp create -node clu1n1 -ifgrp a0b -mode multimode_lacp -distr-func ip
ifgrp create -node clu1n2 -ifgrp a0b -mode multimode_lacp -distr-func ip
ifgrp add-port -node clu1n1 -ifgrp a0a -port e0c
ifgrp add-port -node clu1n1 -ifgrp a0a -port e0e
ifgrp add-port -node clu1n1 -ifgrp a0b -port e0d
ifgrp add-port -node clu1n1 -ifgrp a0b -port e0f
ifgrp add-port -node clu1n2 -ifgrp a0a -port e0c
ifgrp add-port -node clu1n2 -ifgrp a0a -port e0e
ifgrp add-port -node clu1n2 -ifgrp a0b -port e0d
ifgrp add-port -node clu1n2 -ifgrp a0b -port e0f
broadcast-domain create -broadcast-domain public_routed -ipspace Default -mtu 1500 -ports clu1n1:a0a,clu1n2:a0a
broadcast-domain create -broadcast-domain private_dc -ipspace Default -mtu 1500 -ports clu1n1:a0b,clu1n2:a0b

net port show -fields flowcontrol-admin
net int show -role cluster-mgmt -fields home-node,home-port
net int migrate -lif clu1 -destination-node clu1n2 -destination-port e0g -vserver clu1
set -confirmations off
net port modify -node clu1n1 -port !a* -flowcontrol-admin none
net int revert *
set -confirmations off
net port modify -node clu1n2 -port !a* -flowcontrol-admin none
net int revert *
net port show -fields flowcontrol-admin

aggr modify {-has-mroot false} -free-space-realloc on
node run -node * options wafl.optimize_write_once off

license show

vserver create -vserver clu1-svm1 -aggregate clu1n1_sata_aggr1 -rootvolume rootvol -rootvolume-security-style UNIX
net int create -vserver clu1-svm1 -lif clu1-svm1 -role data -data-protocol cifs,nfs -address -netmask -home-node clu1n1 -home-port a0a
net int create -vserver clu1-svm1 -lif clu1-svm1-iscsi1 -role data -data-protocol iscsi -home-node clu1n1 -home-port a0b -address -netmask
net int create -vserver clu1-svm1 -lif clu1-svm1-iscsi2 -role data -data-protocol iscsi -home-node clu1n2 -home-port a0b -address -netmask
vserver services dns create -vserver clu1-svm1 -domains lab.priv -name-servers,
cifs server create -vserver clu1-svm1 -cifs-server clu1-svm1 -domain lab.priv
domain-tunnel create -vserver clu1-svm1

Note: Because ifgrp’s (singlemode, multimode, and definitely not multimode_lacp) do not work at all in the SIM, the following deconstruction and reconstruction will allow the cifs server create to work.
net int delete -vserver clu1-svm1 -lif clu1-svm1
net int delete -vserver clu1-svm1 -lif clu1-svm1-iscsi1
net int delete -vserver clu1-svm1 -lif clu1-svm1-iscsi2
ifgrp delete -node clu1n1 -ifgrp a0a
ifgrp delete -node clu1n1 -ifgrp a0b
ifgrp delete -node clu1n2 -ifgrp a0a
ifgrp delete -node clu1n2 -ifgrp a0b
broadcast-domain add-ports -broadcast-domain public_routed -ports clu1n1:e0c,clu1n1:e0e,clu1n2:e0c,clu1n2:e0e
broadcast-domain add-ports -broadcast-domain private_dc -ports clu1n1:e0d,clu1n1:e0f,clu1n2:e0d,clu1n2:e0f
net int create -vserver clu1-svm1 -lif clu1-svm1 -role data -data-protocol cifs,nfs -address -netmask -home-node clu1n1 -home-port e0c
net int create -vserver clu1-svm1 -lif clu1-svm1-iscsi1 -role data -data-protocol iscsi -home-node clu1n1 -home-port e0d -address -netmask
net int create -vserver clu1-svm1 -lif clu1-svm1-iscsi2 -role data -data-protocol iscsi -home-node clu1n2 -home-port e0d -address -netmask
cifs server create -vserver clu1-svm1 -cifs-server clu1-svm1 -domain lab.priv
domain-tunnel create -vserver clu1-svm1

security login create -vserver clu1 -user-or-group-name LAB\ocum -application ontapi -authmethod domain -role admin
security login create -vserver clu1 -user-or-group-name LAB\ocum -application ssh -authmethod domain -role admin
security login create -vserver clu1 -user-or-group-name LAB\ocm -application ontapi -authmethod domain -role admin
security login create -vserver clu1 -user-or-group-name LAB\storageusers -application http -authmethod domain -role readonly
security login create -vserver clu1 -user-or-group-name LAB\storageusers -application ontapi -authmethod domain -role readonly
security login create -vserver clu1 -user-or-group-name LAB\storageusers -application ssh -authmethod domain -role readonly
security login create -vserver clu1 -user-or-group-name LAB\storageadmins -application http -authmethod domain -role admin
security login create -vserver clu1 -user-or-group-name LAB\storageadmins -application ontapi -authmethod domain -role admin
security login create -vserver clu1 -user-or-group-name LAB\storageadmins -application ssh -authmethod domain -role admin
security login create -vserver clu1-svm1 -user-or-group-name LAB\svc_sdw -application ontapi -authmethod domain -role vsadmin

security certificate generate-csr -common-name clu1.lab.priv -size 2048 -country MN -state Ulaanbaatar  -locality Ulaanbaatar -organization LAB -unit R&D -email-addr itadmin@lab.priv -hash-function SHA256

security login banner modify -vserver clu1

2) Configuring clu2::>*
*this is of course nearly identical to clu1, just names and IPs change

The commands below do the following:

i) Set the CLI inactivity timeout value (so we don’t get disconnected whilst doing our work)
ii) Rename the nodes per naming convention
iii) Rename the LIFs per naming convention/with their DNS name (not FQDN here)
iv) Rename the root aggregates per naming convention (in this scenario we have only SATA disks)
v) Set the timezone
vi) Configure NTP
vii) Autosupport - configure, check settings, trigger, and check history
viii) Disks - verify disk ownership, show spare disks, verify disk options (in this scenario we don’t have dedicated stacks, hence the assign on shelf)
ix) Create data aggregates
x) Disable aggregate snap schedule and delete aggregate snapshots
xi) Rename root volumes per naming convention, and set to 75% root aggr size
xii) Configure broadcast domains and any ifgrps
Note 1: In this scenario we have two ifgrps per node - one for routed traffic (public), one for non-routed traffic (datacenter).
Note 2: Since this is a SIM, I actually destroy the ifgrps later since they don’t work.
Note 3: e0h is our substitute for e0M which will only be used for the SP here (there is an iLO only network).
Note 4: Network ports are access ports - no VLANs required here.
Note 5: Ideally the mgmt broadcast domain would have more ports - there’s no failover for node mgmt here!
xii) Set flowcontrol to off
xiii) A little bit of tuning (not for SSD)
xiv) Verify licensing
xv) Create a basic multi-protocol SVM
Note 1: There’s just one LIF here for General NAS and SVM mgmt traffic. Ideally, we’d have a NAS LIF per node, and a separate mgmt LIF.
Note 2: SAN LIFs must exist on each node in a HA-pair for failover to work.
Note 3: We also do CIFS and domain-tunnel for AD authentication to the cluster
xvi) Create various security logins
xvii) Generate CSRs
xviii) MOTD

Clustershell commands::>

system timeout modify -timeout 0
node rename -node clu2-01 -newname clu2n1
node rename -node clu2-02 -newname clu2n2
net int rename -vserver Cluster -lif clu2-01_clus1 -newname clu2n1-clus1
net int rename -vserver Cluster -lif clu2-01_clus2 -newname clu2n1-clus2
net int rename -vserver Cluster -lif clu2-02_clus1 -newname clu2n2-clus1
net int rename -vserver Cluster -lif clu2-02_clus2 -newname clu2n2-clus2
net int rename -vserver clu2 -lif cluster_mgmt -newname clu2
net int rename -vserver clu2 -lif clu2-01_mgmt1 -newname clu2n1
net int rename -vserver clu2 -lif clu2-02_mgmt1 -newname clu2n2
aggr rename -aggregate aggr0 -newname clu2n1_sata_aggr_root
aggr rename -aggregate aggr0_clu2_02_0 -newname clu2n2_sata_aggr_root
timezone -timezone Asia/Ulan_Bator
cluster time-service ntp server create -server

system autosupport modify -node * -state enable -transport HTTP -proxy-url -mail-hosts, -from clu2@lab.priv -noteto itadmin@lab.priv
system autosupport show -instance
system autosupport invoke -node * -type all -message WEEKLY_LOG
system autosupport history show -node clu2n1
system autosupport history show -node clu2n2

rows 0
disk show -owner clu2n1
disk show -owner clu2n2
disk show -owner clu2n1 -container-type spare
disk show -owner clu2n2 -container-type spare
disk option show
disk option modify -node * -autoassign-policy shelf

storage aggregate show
storage aggregate create -aggregate clu2n1_sata_aggr1 -diskcount 14 -maxraidsize 14 -node clu2n1 -simulate true
storage aggregate create -aggregate clu2n1_sata_aggr1 -diskcount 14 -maxraidsize 14 -node clu2n1
storage aggregate create -aggregate clu2n2_sata_aggr1 -diskcount 14 -maxraidsize 14 -node clu2n2 -simulate true
storage aggregate create -aggregate clu2n2_sata_aggr1 -diskcount 14 -maxraidsize 14 -node clu2n2

node run -node * snap sched -A
node run -node clu2n1 snap sched -A clu2n1_sata_aggr1 0 0 0
node run -node clu2n1 snap delete -A -a -f clu2n1_sata_aggr1
node run -node clu2n2 snap sched -A clu2n2_sata_aggr1 0 0 0
node run -node clu2n2 snap delete -A -a -f clu2n2_sata_aggr1

vol show
vol rename -vserver clu2n1 -volume vol0 -new clu2n1_vol0
vol rename -vserver clu2n2 -volume vol0 -new clu2n2_vol0
set -units MB
aggr show *root -fields size
vol size -vserver clu2n1 -volume clu2n1_vol0 -new-size 8100m
vol size -vserver clu2n2 -volume clu2n2_vol0 -new-size 8100m

net int revert *
net int show
net port show
broadcast-domain show
broadcast-domain split -broadcast-domain Default -new-broadcast-domain mgmt -ports clu2n1:e0g,clu2n2:e0g
broadcast-domain split -broadcast-domain Default -new-broadcast-domain ilo -ports clu2n1:e0h,clu2n2:e0h
broadcast-domain remove-ports -broadcast-domain Default -ports clu2n1:e0c,clu2n1:e0d,clu2n1:e0e,clu2n1:e0f,clu2n2:e0c,clu2n2:e0d,clu2n2:e0e,clu2n2:e0f
ifgrp create -node clu2n1 -ifgrp a0a -mode multimode_lacp -distr-func ip
ifgrp create -node clu2n2 -ifgrp a0a -mode multimode_lacp -distr-func ip
ifgrp create -node clu2n1 -ifgrp a0b -mode multimode_lacp -distr-func ip
ifgrp create -node clu2n2 -ifgrp a0b -mode multimode_lacp -distr-func ip
ifgrp add-port -node clu2n1 -ifgrp a0a -port e0c
ifgrp add-port -node clu2n1 -ifgrp a0a -port e0e
ifgrp add-port -node clu2n1 -ifgrp a0b -port e0d
ifgrp add-port -node clu2n1 -ifgrp a0b -port e0f
ifgrp add-port -node clu2n2 -ifgrp a0a -port e0c
ifgrp add-port -node clu2n2 -ifgrp a0a -port e0e
ifgrp add-port -node clu2n2 -ifgrp a0b -port e0d
ifgrp add-port -node clu2n2 -ifgrp a0b -port e0f
broadcast-domain create -broadcast-domain public_routed -ipspace Default -mtu 1500 -ports clu2n1:a0a,clu2n2:a0a
broadcast-domain create -broadcast-domain private_dc -ipspace Default -mtu 1500 -ports clu2n1:a0b,clu2n2:a0b

net port show -fields flowcontrol-admin
net int show -role cluster-mgmt -fields home-node,home-port
net int migrate -lif clu2 -destination-node clu2n2 -destination-port e0g -vserver clu2
set -confirmations off
net port modify -node clu2n1 -port !a* -flowcontrol-admin none
net int revert *
set -confirmations off
net port modify -node clu2n2 -port !a* -flowcontrol-admin none
net int revert *
net port show -fields flowcontrol-admin

aggr modify {-has-mroot false} -free-space-realloc on
node run -node * options wafl.optimize_write_once off

license show

vserver create -vserver clu2-svm1 -aggregate clu2n1_sata_aggr1 -rootvolume rootvol -rootvolume-security-style UNIX
net int create -vserver clu2-svm1 -lif clu2-svm1 -role data -data-protocol cifs,nfs -address -netmask -home-node clu2n1 -home-port a0a
net int create -vserver clu2-svm1 -lif clu2-svm1-iscsi1 -role data -data-protocol iscsi -home-node clu2n1 -home-port a0b -address -netmask
net int create -vserver clu2-svm1 -lif clu2-svm1-iscsi2 -role data -data-protocol iscsi -home-node clu2n2 -home-port a0b -address -netmask
vserver services dns create -vserver clu2-svm1 -domains lab.priv -name-servers,
cifs server create -vserver clu2-svm1 -cifs-server clu2-svm1 -domain lab.priv
domain-tunnel create -vserver clu2-svm1

Note: Because ifgrp’s (singlemode, multimode, and definitely not multimode_lacp) do not work at all in the SIM, the following deconstruction and reconstruction will allow the cifs server create to work.
net int delete -vserver clu2-svm1 -lif clu2-svm1
net int delete -vserver clu2-svm1 -lif clu2-svm1-iscsi1
net int delete -vserver clu2-svm1 -lif clu2-svm1-iscsi2
ifgrp delete -node clu2n1 -ifgrp a0a
ifgrp delete -node clu2n1 -ifgrp a0b
ifgrp delete -node clu2n2 -ifgrp a0a
ifgrp delete -node clu2n2 -ifgrp a0b
broadcast-domain add-ports -broadcast-domain public_routed -ports clu2n1:e0c,clu2n1:e0e,clu2n2:e0c,clu2n2:e0e
broadcast-domain add-ports -broadcast-domain private_dc -ports clu2n1:e0d,clu2n1:e0f,clu2n2:e0d,clu2n2:e0f
net int create -vserver clu2-svm1 -lif clu2-svm1 -role data -data-protocol cifs,nfs -address -netmask -home-node clu2n1 -home-port e0c
net int create -vserver clu2-svm1 -lif clu2-svm1-iscsi1 -role data -data-protocol iscsi -home-node clu2n1 -home-port e0d -address -netmask
net int create -vserver clu2-svm1 -lif clu2-svm1-iscsi2 -role data -data-protocol iscsi -home-node clu2n2 -home-port e0d -address -netmask
cifs server create -vserver clu2-svm1 -cifs-server clu2-svm1 -domain lab.priv
domain-tunnel create -vserver clu2-svm1

security login create -vserver clu2 -user-or-group-name LAB\ocum -application ontapi -authmethod domain -role admin
security login create -vserver clu2 -user-or-group-name LAB\ocum -application ssh -authmethod domain -role admin
security login create -vserver clu2 -user-or-group-name LAB\ocm -application ontapi -authmethod domain -role admin
security login create -vserver clu2 -user-or-group-name LAB\storageusers -application http -authmethod domain -role readonly
security login create -vserver clu2 -user-or-group-name LAB\storageusers -application ontapi -authmethod domain -role readonly
security login create -vserver clu2 -user-or-group-name LAB\storageusers -application ssh -authmethod domain -role readonly
security login create -vserver clu2 -user-or-group-name LAB\storageadmins -application http -authmethod domain -role admin
security login create -vserver clu2 -user-or-group-name LAB\storageadmins -application ontapi -authmethod domain -role admin
security login create -vserver clu2 -user-or-group-name LAB\storageadmins -application ssh -authmethod domain -role admin
security login create -vserver clu2-svm1 -user-or-group-name LAB\svc_sdw -application ontapi -authmethod domain -role vsadmin

security certificate generate-csr -common-name clu2.lab.priv -size 2048 -country MN -state Ulaanbaatar  -locality Ulaanbaatar -organization LAB -unit R&D -email-addr itadmin@lab.priv -hash-function SHA256

security login banner modify -vserver clu2

3) Setting up Cluster and Vserver Peering

Note: Not using the destroyed ifgrps here.


net int create -vserver clu1 -lif clu1-icl1 -role intercluster -home-node clu1n1 -home-port e0e -address -netmask
net int create -vserver clu1 -lif clu1-icl2 -role intercluster -home-node clu1n2 -home-port e0e -address -netmask


net int create -vserver clu2 -lif clu2-icl1 -role intercluster -home-node clu2n1 -home-port e0e -address -netmask
net int create -vserver clu2 -lif clu2-icl2 -role intercluster -home-node clu2n2 -home-port e0e -address -netmask


cluster peer create -peer-addrs -address-family ipv4


cluster peer create -peer-addrs -address-family ipv4
cluster peer show


vserver peer create -vserver clu1-svm1 -peer-cluster clu2 -peer-vserver clu2-svm1 -applications snapmirror


vserver peer accept -vserver clu2-svm1 -peer-vserver clu1-svm1
vserver peer show

4) Returning to do the SSL Cert


security certificate install -type server -vserver clu1
ssl show
ssl modify -vserver clu1 -common-name clu1.lab.priv -ca ??? -serial ??? -server-enabled true -client-enabled false
security certificate delete [DELETE THE OLD CLUSTER CERT]


security certificate install -type server -vserver clu2
ssl show
ssl modify -vserver clu2 -common-name clu2.lab.priv -ca ??? -serial ??? -server-enabled true -client-enabled false
security certificate delete [DELETE THE OLD CLUSTER CERT]

5) Final Thought

I might make a few tweaks to the plan...


  1. Hey man, can I just ask why the tuning isn't required for SSD? The NetApp PS guys told me to do this for magnetic and hybrid, what's changed for SSD? I'm referring to these commands:

    aggr modify {-has-mroot false} -free-space-realloc on
    node run -node * options wafl.optimize_write_once off

    1. Hi AC, yes those commands are absolutely pointless for SSD.

  2. I assume because the blocks on the SSD’s don’t have to be contiguous. If you look at this SPC benchmark report, they bother to configure the latter command on a AFF 8080. Doh.

  3. Missed link:

    1. In fairness that's an old document. The free-space-realloc optimizes the layout for spinning disk, and has no benefit for SSD. The wafl.optimize command stops the gradual performance degradation caused when data is initially written to the outer faster edge of the spinning disk, and the disk performance progressively slows down as new data has to be written closer to the spindle.


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