NetApp CN1610 Cluster Switch Notes: How to Setup

I realized I’ve done loads of CN1610s but never blogged my notes (always referring to notes on my laptop), so here we go (cabling is not covered here, just switch setup.)

Image: NetApp CN1610 Cluster Switches with ISLs Cabled

1) Initial Cluster Switch Setup Script

Connect a laptop to the switch’s console (RJ45) port. Out-of-the-factory, the default CN1610 login is:

username = admin
password = {no password}

You will initially be in the user USER command mode: (CN1610) >
From here, copy and paste the below script, with the highlighted entries updated accordingly:

serviceport protocol none
network protocol none
hostname SWITCH_NAME
username admin password PASSWORD
write memory

Repeat on both switches. To verify serviceport and network settings:

(CN1610) # show serviceport
(CN1610) # show network

Note: Type ‘en’ or ‘enable’ to get from the USER command mode - (CN1610) > - to the EXEC mode - (CN1610) #

2) Cluster Switch OS and RCF File

At the time of writing, the recommended versions of Fastpath OS and RCF File for CN1610 cluster switches with ONTAP 8.3 to 9.1 are:

RCF Version = 1.2

The Compatibility Matrix is at the link below (software and instructions are available off this link too):

To check FASTPATH and RCF (usually they’re correct out-of-the-factory), run the below commands - the RCF version is listed in the description for interface 3/64:

(CN1610) # show version
(CN1610) # show running-config

Upgrading FASTPATH and/or the RCF requires a TFTP server.

If you need to upgrade the RCF (NetApp recommends doing the RCF before OS), the commands are:

(CN1610) # show running-config config_backup.scr
(CN1610) # copy tftp://tftpserver/CN1610_CS_RCF_v1.2.txt nvram:script CN1610_CS_RCF_v1.2.scr
(CN1610) # script list
(CN1610) # script apply CN1610_CS_RCF_v1.2.scr
(CN1610) # show running-config
(CN1610) # write memory
(CN1610) # reload

If you need to upgrade FASTPATH, the commands are:

(CN1610) # show bootvar
(CN1610) # copy active backup
(CN1610) # show bootvar
(CN1610) # copy tftp://tftp_server_address/NetApp_CN1610_1.2.0.7.stk active
(CN1610) # reload

(CN1610) > enable
(CN1610) # show version

3) Configuring DNS, NTP, and SSH

Configure DNS, NTP and SSH using the commands below, with the highlighted entries updated accordingly:

(CN1610) # config
(CN1610) (Config)# ip domain name DNS_DOMAIN_NAME
(CN1610) (Config)# ip name server NAME_SERVER_1,NAME_SERVER_2,...
(CN1610) (Config)# sntp client mode unicast
(CN1610) (Config)# sntp server NTP_SERVER_1
(CN1610) (Config)# sntp server NTP_SERVER_2
(CN1610) (Config)# clock timezone +/- NUMBER*
(CN1610) (Config)# exit
(CN1610) # show ip name server
(CN1610) # show sntp

(CN1610) # ip ssh protocol 2
(CN1610) # config
(CN1610) (Config)# crypto key gen rsa
(CN1610) (Config)# crypto key gen dsa
(CN1610) (Config)# exit
(CN1610) # ip ssh server enable
(CN1610) # show ip ssh

*UTC 0 is 0, UTC -1 is -1, UTC +2 is 2, etcetera.
Note: SSH needs to be enabled before running Config Advisor. The RCF version 1.2 disables telnet (for security reasons) with the line "ip telnet server enable".

4) Passwords

To change the current logged in user’s password:

(CN1610) > password

To set an enable password:

(CN1610) # enable password PASSWORD

5) Configuring Switches for Email Alerting

Use the following commands starting from the EXEC privilege level (#). Replacing highlighted entries as required:

mail-server MAIL_SERVER
logging email
logging email 3
logging email urgent 2
logging email message-type both to-addr MAIL_TO_ADDRESS
logging email from-addr MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS
logging email message-type both subject "Alert from SWITCH_NAME"
logging email test message-type both message-body "THIS IS A TEST"
show logging email config
show running-config
write memory

To test email alerting from the EXEC privilege level (#):

logging email test message-type both message-body "THIS IS A TEST - PLEASE IGNORE!"

6) Saving Changes (IMPORTANT)

To save changes so that they are persistent to reboots:

(CN1610) # write memory
