Connecting the Data Warehouse (DWH) to Insight Server and DWH DB Restore

Really this is part 4 to the previous 3 posts...

1) Connecting the Data Warehouse to Insight Server

1.1) Point a web browser at -


- and login with admin/admin123

Image: Logging in to the Data Warehouse Portal

1.2) On Connectors click New

Image: Adding a New Connector

1.3) Enter the details for the New Connector, click Test to verify the connection, then click Save.

Note: User name = inventory, and password = sanscreen.

Image: New Connector details

Image: Successful test!

2) Data Warehouse Database Restore

Still logged into -


- click on Backup/Restore in the left hand pane

Click on Browse and browse to the database backup ZIP.

Leave ‘Restore database’ and ‘Restore reports’ ticked.

Click on Restore

Note: The restore might take some time.

Image: Restoring a Data Warehouse Database and Reports

All being well, you should get ‘Restore Successful’.
And, if you log into the IBM Cognos Reporting Engine at -
- the Launch dropdown should give the link to Report Studio.

Image: Click Report Studio to start generating OnCommand Insight reports!
