PowerShell to Record Job Execution Progress Per Second

Sometimes when you’re doing stuff with NetApp ONTAP, you’ll get given a job-id and you’ll be curious to know all the phases the job goes through. So, I wrote this little program to find out just that. In the image - down the bottom - is my use case (which will be the subject of the next blog post.)

## RecordJobExecution.ps1 ##

Import-Module DataONTAP
$C = Read-Host "Enter Cluster FQDN/IP"
[Void](Connect-NcController $C)
$J = Read-Host "Enter Job ID"
  $D = Get-Date -uformat %Y%m%d
  $T = Get-Date -uFormat %T
  $P = (Get-NcJob -id $J).JobProgress
  "$D $T $P" >> execution_log.txt
  sleep 1

Image: Use Case: Recording per second the job execution progress of system node migrate-root
