Configuring SnapCenter for Exchange 4.2.1: 7 days everything & 30 days passive (no logs) - Lab 1

Note i: This was an experiment. I’m not actually recommending configuring your backup this way. For a recommendation, see Lab 2!
Note ii: 30 days hourly snapshots = 720 snapshots (this is okay for ONTAP 9.4+ where we can do up to 1023 snapshots but destroys the 255 limit in ONTAP 9.3 and earlier.) Where you're not purging logs snapshots, remember there is always 2 snapshots for each logs LUN backup.
Note iii: I was lazy to do screenshots in SnapCenter, but if you know your way around SnapCenter, hopefully the descriptions make sense.

Image: 7 days active copies and 30 days passive copies (no logs)

1: Create Backup Policies

1.1: Create policy for 7 days

Settings -> Policies -> Microsoft Exchange Server -> + New

New Exchange server Backup Policy

(1) Name

Policy name = active copies


(2) Backup Type

Choose backup type:
Full and log backup

Database Availability Group Settings
Untick: “Back up active copies”
Tick: “Backup up copies on servers to be selected during backup job creation time

Schedule Frequency:


(3) Retention

Retention settings for up-to-the-minute restore operation:
Choose: Keep log backups for last 7 days

Full backup retention settings:
On demand: Keep Snapshot copies for 7 days
Hourly: Keep Snapshot copies for 7 days


(4) Replication


(5) Script


(6) Summary


1.2: Create policy for 30 days (logs for 7 days)

Settings -> Policies -> Microsoft Exchange Server -> + New

New Exchange server Backup Policy

(1) Name

Policy name = passive copies


(2) Backup Type

Choose backup type:
Full and log backup

Database Availability Group Settings
Untick: “Back up active copies”
Tick: “Backup up copies on servers to be selected during backup job creation time

Schedule Frequency:


(3) Retention

Retention settings for up-to-the-minute restore operation:
Choose: Keep log backups for last 7 days*

*This doesn’t mean you’ll only have 7 days log snapshots.

Full backup retention settings:
On demand: Keep Snapshot copies for 30 days
Hourly: Keep Snapshot copies for 30 days


(4) Replication


(5) Script


(6) Summary


2: Create a Resource Groups

Create 2 resource groups:

Resource Group 1 for: active servers
Resource Group 2 for: Passive copies

Note 1: You could create a resource group per DB if you wanted. Most granular would be per DB per mailbox server.
Note 2: For SMBR Single-File restore standard functionality with SnapCenter, you need to point SMBR at the Mailbox Server which has the Active Copy of the database you want to restore from (you can still restore from non-Active copy by manually flexcloning a snapshot and mounting to your SMBR server.)

2.1: Resource Group: active servers

(1) Provide a name and tags for the resource group

Name = active servers


(2) Select the resources to protect, group and tag:

Resource Type = Databases
Database Availability Group = All
Selected Resources = DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4, DB5


(3) Select one or more policies and configure schedules

Policy = active copies
Select one or more backup servers = MB1, MB2
Configure schedules for selected policies = Hourly; repeat every 1 hours


(4) Notification


(5) Summary


2.2: Resource Group: Passive Copies

(1) Provide a name and tags for the resource group

Name = Passive Copies


(2) Select the resources to protect, group and tag:

Resource Type = Databases
Database Availability Group = All
Selected Resources = DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4, DB5


(3) Select one or more policies and configure schedules

Policy = passive copies
Select one or more backup servers = MB3
Configure schedules for selected policies = Hourly; repeat every 1 hours


(4) Notification


(5) Summary


3: Logs LUN Volume Snapshots Tidy Up Script

Snapshot tidy up script will need the DataONTAP PowerShell toolkit installed on say your SnapCenter server. You don’t use the pre/post-backup functionality in SnapCenter. Just create a scheduled task to purge the logs snapshots as required.

I wrote a script ages ago (time flies, that’s nearly 6 years ago) that does this tidy up function - If I get time, I’ll rework it for a future blog post.

4: SMBR Restores

4.1: From active databases

Double-click ‘Single Mailbox Recovery’

SnapCenter authentication
Base URL:
Password: ********
Exch Server: {Mailbox server that has the active database on which you want to recover}

Backup Selection
Database Name: DBx
tick/untick - Backups new than {date}
tick/untick - Backups older than {date}

Select the backup you want to restore from and then click Mount/Launch

Source Selection
EDB Path = \\MBx\c$\scmmpt\mpdisk000xx\DBx\DBx.edb
Log File Path = \\MBx\c$\scmmpt\mpdisk000xy\DBx\Logs
Temporary File Path = C:\User\USER\AppData\Local\Temp\2\Single Mailbox Recovery

File > Exit ... need to authenticate to SnapCenter again to do the dismount

4.2: From passive copies (> 7 days) - using iSCSI


- The SMBR/recovery server needs iSCSI IPs
- iSCSI Initator enabled and configured to connect to ONTAP SVM
- iGroup for the SMBR/recovery server created on the ONTAP SVM

::> igroup show -igroup

Vserver    = svm2
Igroup     =
Protocol   = iscsi
OS Type    = windows
Initiators =

Recovery steps:

1) Flexclone from required database snapshot

::> ‌volume clone create -flexclone mb3_db3__smbr_restore -vserver svm2 -type RW -parent-volume vol_N3DB3 -parent-snapshot "Passive Copies_mb3_10-24-2019_14.46.43.7866"

2) Present LUN to SMBR/recovery server

::> lun show -volume mb3_db3__smbr_restore -vserver svm2
::> lun map -vserver svm2 -path /vol/mb3_db3__smbr_restore/lun_N3DB3 -igroup -lun-id 13

‌ ‌
3) Compmgmt.msc

- Rescan Disks
- Online the disk
- Give it a drive letter (like R for recovery)


- SnapCenter authentication - Cancel
- File > Open Source:
EDB Path = R:\DB3\DB3.edb
Log File Path =
Temporary File Path = C:\User\USER\AppData\Local\Temp\2\Single Mailbox Recovery
Continue without logs OK
- File > Open\Create Target > Open Target Exchange Server
Select Target: All Mailboxes (on-premise)
Domain Controller: DC1
Server Name: MB1 {doesn’t really matter which mailbox server}
Leave ticked - Connect to Public Folder
Leave ticked - Connect using Autodiscover
Leave ticked - Connect using Outlook Anywhere
Next >

5) Do your restore


Target: Close Store
Sources: Close All Stores

7) Unpresent the LUN:

::> lun unmap -vserver svm2 -path /vol/mb3_db3__smbr_restore/lun_N3DB3 -igroup

8) Get rid of the flexclone:

::> volume offline -vserver svm2 -volume mb3_db3__smbr_restore
::> volume delete -vserver svm2 -volume mb3_db3__smbr_restore

Final note: Time depending - I’ll write a PowerShell tool that will make mounting of DBs from snapshots to an SMBR server more automated/less manual.
