Configuring SnapCenter for Exchange 4.2.1: 7 days everything & 30 days passive (no logs) - Lab 2

After the first lab, and a bit of reflection, here’s another idea, presented in a different way. This time I’m considering snapshot count (I have a real-world scenario in mind where one of the clusters is stuck on ONTAP 9.1 for a bit so need to keep below 255).

DAG Layout

The table image below shows the DAG layout. 5 databases (DB1 to DB5), across 3 mailbox servers (MB1, MB2, MB3). MB1 and MB2 in the primary site share activation preference 1 & 2 (odds on 1, evens on 2). MB3 in the secondary site has activation preference 3.

Image: Database Activation Preference on Mailbox Servers in our DAG

Backup Strategy

We want to keep 30 days retention, but only on MB3. MB1 and MB2 have 7 days retention.

To keep well within the 255-snapshot limitation of ONTAP 9.3 and below, our backup strategy is:

10 resource groups:
- 5 resource groups per site (1 for each database)

3 backup policies:
- 3 days hourly full & logs (used for site 1&2)
- 7 days daily full & logs (user for site 1)
- 30 days daily full & logs (used for site 2)

There is a script the runs on the SnapCenter server, to trim the logs backups from site 2’s 30 days full, to keep maximum 7 days logs retention.

Image: SCE Backup Strategy

Exchange Server Backup Policies

Details of the 3 Exchange Server Backup Policies:

Policy name: 3 days hourly FL
Backup type: Full backup and log backup
Availability group settings: Backup on Selected DAG Servers
Schedule Type: Hourly
UTM retention: Delete Snapshot copies older than : 3 days
On demand Full backup retention: Delete Snapshot copies older than : 3 days
Hourly Full backup retention: Delete Snapshot copies older than : 3 days

Policy name: 7 days daily FL
Backup type: Full backup and log backup
Availability group settings: Backup on Selected DAG Servers
Schedule Type: Daily
UTM retention: Delete Snapshot copies older than : 7 days
On demand Full backup retention: Delete Snapshot copies older than : 7 days
Hourly Full backup retention: Delete Snapshot copies older than : 7 days

Policy name: 30 days hourly FL
Backup type: Full backup and log backup
Availability group settings: Backup on Selected DAG Servers
Schedule Type: Daily
UTM retention: Delete Snapshot copies older than : 7 days
On demand Full backup retention: Delete Snapshot copies older than : 7 days
Hourly Full backup retention: Delete Snapshot copies older than : 30 days

Image: New Exchange Server Backup Policy

Resource Groups

Just doing the resource groups here for DB1. Rinse and repeat for DB2,3,4,5.

Resource Group Name: DB1 MB1 MB2
Selected Resources: DB1
Backup Policies: 3 days hourly FL, 7 days daily FL
Backup Servers: MB1, MB2
3 days hourly FL - applied schedule = Hourly
7 days daily FL - applied schedule = Daily

Resource Group Name: DB1 MB3
Selected Resources: DB1
Backup Policies: 3 days hourly FL, 30 days daily FL
Backup Servers: MB3
3 days hourly FL - applied schedule = Hourly
30 days daily FL - applied schedule = Daily

Image: Selecting Resources to Protect

Image: Configuring polices and schedules

Image: Microsoft Exchange Server > Resource Groups for DB1

How Much Should You Backup in one Go?

To avoid hitting Windows 10 seconds VSS snapshot timeout, you might need to consider the size of your resource group. If it is a small DAG, one resource group is fine. If it is a large DAG, multiple resource groups might be required.

Resource Group ideas from large to small:

- All databases on all servers in a DAG
- All databases on all servers in a DAG per site
- Backup per server per site (all databases on that server)
- Backup per database per site (all servers in the DAG with that database)

