Some commands used to re-zone a Brocade Fabric.
The fabric has two switches:
Site 1 Fabric 1 Switch = S1_F1 (Principal
Site 2 Fabric 1 Switch = S2_F1 (Subordinate
1) Persistently disable switches in the Fabric:
S1_F1> switchCfgPersistentDisable
S2_F1> switchCfgPersistentDisable
2) If you need to enable dynamic licensing:
Note: You may need to login as root to do this. If you
don’t know the root password here is a root password reset procedure:
S1_F1> licensePort --show
S1_F1> licensePort --method dynamic
S1_F1> fastboot
S2_F1> licensePort --show
S2_F1> licensePort --method dynamic
S2_F1> fastboot
3) Delete the existing config and verify it has gone:
S1_F1> cfgdisable
S1_F1> cfgclear
S1_F1> cfgsave
S1_F1> cfgshow # Should have no config
S1_F1> zoneshow # should have no zones
S2_F1> cfgdisable
S2_F1> cfgclear
S2_F1> cfgsave
S2_F1> cfgshow # Should have no config
S2_F1> zoneshow # should have no zones
4) Configure portspeed for the new layout (you might want
to configure other port settings too):
Syntax = portcfgspeed PORT_NUMBER SPEED
for 4 ports per switch in fabric 1:
S1_F1> portcfgspeed 0 16
S1_F1> portcfgspeed 1 16
S1_F1> portcfgspeed 2 16
S1_F1> portcfgspeed 3 16
S2_F1> portcfgspeed 0 16
S2_F1> portcfgspeed 1 16
S2_F1> portcfgspeed 2 16
S2_F1> portcfgspeed 3 16
5) Re-cable to new layout.
6) Switch Enable on the ‘Principal Switch’ only:
S1_F1> switchCfgPersistentEnable
7) Create the new zones on the ‘Principal Switch’:
Syntax = zonecreate
with a couple of zones:
S1_F1> zonecreate "FAB1_ZONE1","1,0;1,1;1,4;1,5;3,0;3,1;3,4;3,5"
S1_F1> zonecreate "FAB1_ZONE2","1,2;1,3;1,6;1,7;3,2;3,3;3,6;3,7;1,8"
S1_F1> zonecreate ...
Note: In the above our ‘Principal Switch’ has domain
ID 1, and the ‘Subordinate Switch’ has domain ID 3.
8) Create the config on the ‘Principal Switch’:
Syntax = cfgcreate
Syntax = cfgadd
creating the config and adding the two zones above to it:
S1_F1> cfgcreate "CFG_FAB1","FAB1_ZONE1"
S1_F1> cfgadd "CFG_FAB1","FAB1_ZONE2"
S1_F1> cfgadd ...
9) Verify the config, zoning, and then enable the config on
the ‘Principal Switch’:
S1_F1> cfgshow
S1_F1> zoneshow
S1_F1> cfgenable "CFG_FAB1"
10) Re-enable the ‘Subordinate Switch’:
S2_F1> switchCfgPersistentEnable
11) Repeat 1 - 10 for the other Fabric - Fabric 2.
Note 1: If you’re re-zoning the Fabric for a NetApp Fabric
Attached MetroCluster (which is what I was doing), one recommended thing to do
is to disable the storage ports::>
storage port disable -node NODENAME -port
storage port disable -node node1 -port 0a
Note 2: Official NetApp Documentation link:
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