Cisco 3232C: Install NX-OS and NetApp RCF via USB

Posting this useful bit of knowledge with permission from the author Timm Shark.

There are two parts to this post:
  1. NX-OS Install via USB
  2. RCF Install via USB
If you're installing a new Cisco 3232C in the datacenter, it can be quicker to use USB instead of using http/https/ftp/sftp server from a laptop, to install the NX-OS and NetApp RCF configuration file.

1) NX-OS Install via USB

1. In Windows, format a USB memory stick with FAT32.

2. From Windows, copy nxos.9.3.7.bin, n9000-epld.9.3.7.img and NX3232_RCF_v1.0_24p10g_26p100g.txt files to the memory stick.

3. Connect a serial cable to the console port on the switch.

4. Insert the USB memory stick into the switch. The switch will recognise the memory stick has been inserted and a console message will report 'USB1: online':

2021 Jun  2 09:37:11 sw2 ... USB insertion or removal detected - usbhsd
2021 Jun  2 09:37:11 sw2 ... USB1: online  - usbhsd

5. From the switch, check the contents of the memory stick:

switch# dir usb1:
... NX3232_RCF_v1.0_24p10g_26p100g.txt
... System Volume Information/
... n9000-epld.9.3.7.img
... nxos.9.3.7.bin

6. Copy the required files from usb1: to bootflash:

switch# copy usb1:nxos.9.3.7.bin bootflash:
switch# copy usb1:n9000-epld.9.3.7.img bootflash:
switch# copy usb1:NX3232_RCF_v1.0_24p10g_26p100g.txt bootflash:

7. Check bootflash: includes the required files

switch# dir bootflash:

8.Check current version of NX-OS

switch# show version

  BIOS: version 08.38
  NXOS: version 7.0(3)I4(1)
  BIOS compile time:  05/29/2020
  NXOS image file is: bootflash:///nxos.7.0.3.I4.1.bin
  NXOS compile time:  5/15/2016 20:00:00 [05/16/2016 03:24:30]

9. Install NX-OS image. Switch will be rebooted at the end of the process.  When prompted, verify the versions being upgraded, then reply 'y' to continue. After continuing, the install will complete and the switch will reboot automatically.

switch# install all nxos bootflash:nxos.9.3.7.bin

Images will be upgraded according to following table:

Module Image  Running-Version(pri:alt)              New-Version
------ -----  ------------------------------------- ------------------
     1 nxos   7.0(3)I4(1)                           9.3(7)I9(1)
     1 bios   v08.38(05/29/2020):v08.38(05/29/2020) v08.38(05/29/2020)

Switch will be reloaded for disruptive upgrade.
Do you want to continue with the installation (y/n)?  [n] y

10. Once switch has rebooted, verify switch version is 9.3.7

sw2# show version

11. Check current EPLD version, upgrade the EPLD (and reboot if required)

sw2# show version module 1 epld

EPLD Device Version
MI FPGA     0x12
IO FPGA     0x12

0x12 is current and the next command will check, then do nothing as no upgrade is required. Your switch may have an older EPLD version. 

switch# install epld bootflash:n9000-epld.9.3.7.img module 1

Digital signature verification is successful

Compatibility check:

Module  Type Upgradable Impact     Reason
------  ---- ---------- ---------- ------
     1  SUP  Yes        disruptive Module Upgradable

Retrieving EPLD versions.... Please wait.
Images will be upgraded according to following table:

Module Type  EPLD    Running-Version New-Version Upg-Required
------ ----  ------- --------------- ----------- ------------
     1  SUP  MI FPGA 0x12            0x12        No
     1  SUP  IO FPGA 0x12            0x12        No

All Modules are up to date.

12. If upgrade had been required, to check EPLD version after switch reboot: 

switch# show version module 1 epld

2) RCF Install via USB

1. Connect via the console

2. Erase the existing config.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These instructions are for a new install.

switch# write erase

Warning: This command will erase the startup-configuration.
Do you wish to proceed anyway? (y/n)  [n] y

switch# reload

This command will reboot the system. (y/n)?  [n] y

3. After the switch reboot, reply Y perform a basic setup of the switch.

4. Copy RCF to switch from USB (should have been done previously if you followed the instructions above.)

switch# copy usb1:NX3232_RCF_v1.0_24p10g_26p100g.txt bootflash:

5. Load RCF into running config

switch# copy NX3232_RCF_v1.0_24p10g_26p100g.txt running-config echo-commands

6. Check output to ensure you have the correct RCF file loaded

switch# show running-config

 7. Save and reload:

switch# copy running-config startup-config
switch# reload

Second Switch 

Apply RCF to the other switch

switch# copy NX3232_RCF_v1.0_24p10g_26p100g.txt running-config echo-commands
switch# copy running-config startup-config
switch# reload`

Check ISL port channel. After configuring first switch ports 1/31 and 1/32 show as suspended. After second switch is complete, both ports appear up in port channel

switch#: show port-channel summary

Check that you can SSH to the management port on each switch.
