A very similar post to this September 2020 post:
Cosonok's IT Blog: Python 3: OCI REST API - Set Annotation On Storage Array
- which just goes to show that if you have a good framework (not mine, these were from the out-the-box OCI Python examples) then it's very easy to adapt that framework for other use cases (in this case switch and not storage.) To use the python script below:
python set_annotation_switch.py --url https://YOUR_OCI_SERVER --user YOUR_REST_USER --password YOUR_PASSWORD --switch SWITCH_NAME --annotation SOME_ANNOTATION --value ANNOTATION_VALUE
The Script
Save as 'set_annotation_switch.py':
#!/usr/bin/env python
Set annotation for a specific switch
from __future__ import print_function
import json
from oci_rest import OciRest, configure_command_line_parser
def find_switch(oci, switch_name):
for switch in oci.get('assets/switches'):
if switch['name'] == switch_name:
return switch['self']
return None
def annotate_switch(oci, switch_url, annotation_name, annotation_value):
return oci.put('{}/annotations'.format(switch_url), data=json.dumps(
"rawValue": annotation_value,
"definition": {"name": annotation_name}
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Get the default command-line arguments (url, user, password)
parser = configure_command_line_parser(usage='Set switch annotation')
# Add additional arguments to configure the search criteria
parser.add_argument('--switch', required=True, help="Switch name")
parser.add_argument('--annotation', required=True, help="Annotation name (do NOT use label!)")
parser.add_argument('--value', required=True, help="Annotation value to set")
options = parser.parse_args()
url, user, password = options.url, options.user, options.password
with OciRest(url, user, password) as oci:
switch_url = find_switch(oci, switch_name=options.switch)
if switch_url is not None:
new_annotation = annotate_switch(oci,
print('Created new annotation:\n', json.dumps(new_annotation))
print("Could not find switch {}".format(options.switch))
Image: OCI REST API documentation > API samples
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