ONTAP 9.14.1: Default Schedules and Snapshot Policies

Default Schedules
There are 31 default schedules in ONTAP 9.14.1 as seen from the output of::>
job schedule show
28 are cron type and 3 are schedule type.
Only 3 of the cron type ones are used in the default Snapshot Policies – hourly, daily and weekly. These 3 default job schedules are detailed here:
cluster1::> job schedule show -name hourly -instance
      Cluster: cluster1
      Vserver: cluster1
Schedule Name: hourly
Schedule Type: cron
  Description: @:05
cluster1::> job schedule show -name daily -instance
      Cluster: cluster1
      Vserver: cluster1
Schedule Name: daily
Schedule Type: cron
  Description: @0:10
cluster1::> job schedule show -name weekly -instance
      Cluster: cluster1
      Vserver: cluster1
Schedule Name: weekly
Schedule Type: cron
  Description: Sun@0:15
CLI commands to create similar:
job schedule cron create -cluster cluster1 -vserver cluster1 -name hourly_v2 -minute 5
job schedule cron create -cluster cluster1 -vserver cluster1 -name daily_v2 -hour 0 -minute 10
job schedule cron create -cluster cluster1 -vserver cluster1 -name weekly_v2 -dayofweek sun -hour 0 -minute 15
Job Schedule Cron Create parameters:
cluster1::} job schedule cron create ?
 [ -cluster {cluster_name} ]
 [ -vserver {vserver name} ]
  [-name] {text (size 1..256)}
 [ -month {cron_month}, ... ]
 [ -dayofweek {cron_dayofweek}, ... ]
 [ -day {cron_dayofmonth}, ... ]
 [ -hour {cron_hour}, ... ]
  [-minute] {cron_minute}, ...
Job Schedule Interval Create parameters:
cluster1::} job schedule interval create ?
 [ -cluster {cluster_name} ]
 [ -vserver {vserver name} ]
  [-name] {text (size 1..256)}
 [[-days] {integer}]
 [ -hours {integer} ]
 [ -minutes {integer} ]
 [ -seconds {integer} ]
Default Snapshot Policies
There are 3 default Snapshot Policies – none, default and default-1weekly. As detailed below:
cluster1::> snapshot policy show -policy none -instance
Vserver: cluster1
Snapshot Policy Name: none
Snapshot Policy Enabled: false
Policy Owner: cluster-admin
Comment: Policy for no automatic snapshots.
Total Number of Schedules: 0
Schedule  Count  Prefix  SnapMirror Label  Retention Period
--------  -----  ------  ----------------  ----------------
-             -  -       -                 -
cluster1::> snapshot policy show -policy default -instance
Vserver: cluster1
Snapshot Policy Name: default
Snapshot Policy Enabled: true
Policy Owner: cluster-admin
Comment: Default policy with hourly, daily & weekly schedules.
Total Number of Schedules: 3
Schedule  Count  Prefix  SnapMirror Label  Retention Period
--------  -----  ------  ----------------  ----------------
hourly        6  hourly  -                 0 seconds
daily         2  daily   daily             0 seconds
weekly        2  weekly  weekly            0 seconds
cluster1::> snapshot policy show -policy default-1weekly -instance
Vserver: cluster1
Snapshot Policy Name: default-1weekly
Snapshot Policy Enabled: true
Policy Owner: cluster-admin
Comment: Default policy with 6 hourly, 2 daily & 1 weekly schedule.
Total Number of Schedules: 3
Schedule  Count  Prefix  SnapMirror Label  Retention Period
--------  -----  ------  ----------------  ----------------
hourly        6  hourly  -                 0 seconds
daily         2  daily   -                 0 seconds
weekly        1  weekly  -                 0 seconds
CLI commands to create similar:
snapshot policy create -vserver cluster1 -policy default_v2 -enabled true -comment "Default policy with hourly, daily & weekly schedules." -schedule1 hourly -count1 6 -prefix1 hourly -schedule2 daily -count2 2 -prefix2 daily -snapmirror-label2 daily -schedule3 weekly -count3 2 -prefix3 weekly -snapmirror-label3 weekly
snapshot policy create -vserver cluster1 -policy default-1weekly_v2 -enabled true -comment "Default policy with 6 hourly, 2 daily & 1 weekly schedule." -schedule1 hourly -count1 6 -prefix1 hourly -schedule2 daily -count2 2 -prefix2 daily -schedule3 weekly -count3 1 -prefix3 weekly
Note: You cannot recreate the “none” snapshot policy as the CLI expects at least one schedule.
Snapshot Policy Create parameters:
cluster1::} snapshot policy create ?
[ -vserver {vserver name} ]
 [-policy] {snapshot policy}
 [-enabled] {true|false}
[ -comment {text} ]
 [-schedule1] {text}
 [-count1] {0..1023}
[ -prefix1 {text} ]
[ -snapmirror-label1 {text (size 0..31)} ]
[ -retention-period1 {SEE BELOW} ]
[ -schedule2 {text} ]
[ -count2 {0..1023} ]                 
[ -prefix2 {text} ]                 
[ -snapmirror-label2 {text (size 0..31)} ]                
[ -retention-period2 {SEE BELOW} ]
[ -schedule3 {text} ]                 
[ -count3 {0..1023} ]                 
[ -prefix3 {text} ]                 
[ -retention-period3 {SEE BELOW} ]
[ -snapmirror-label3 {text (size 0..31)} ]                
[ -schedule4 {text} ]
[ -count4 {0..1023} ]                 
[ -prefix4 {text} ]                 
[ -retention-period4 {SEE BELOW} ]
[ -snapmirror-label4 {text (size 0..31)} ]                
[ -schedule5 {text} ]                 
[ -count5 {0..1023} ]                 
[ -prefix5 {text} ]                 
[ -retention-period5 {SEE BELOW} ]
[ -snapmirror-label5 {text (size 0..31)} ]

Note: Options for retention-period:

{{integer} seconds|minutes|hours|days|months|years} | infinite

