
2023.10.06: to find out parts that ship with a part number. 

Learning Python:
Eric Siebert's vLaunchPad: vLaunchPad
Module netapp_ontap.resources:

REST API Python Client Library for ONTAP 9.6

The Python client library provides support for writing scripts in python to access the ONTAP REST API:

Links to the Getting Started video and Python client library documentation are available on DevNet.NetApp:

NetApp DevOps Resources

ONTAP Software and Firmware Upgrade Quick Notes

Links to ONTAP Software and Firmware:
Shelf FW:
Disk FW:

DQP Instructions:

::> node run -node NODENAME -command rdfile /etc/qual_devices_v3
::> set -priv advanced
::*> storage firmware download -node local -package-url http://WEB_SERVER/
::*> node run -node NODENAME -command rdfile /etc/qual_devices_v3

ONTAP Upgrade:

::> autosupport invoke -node * -type all -message "MAINT=4h Starting_NDU"

::> cluster image package get -url http://WEB_SERVER/IMAGE.tgz
::> cluster image package show-repository
::> cluster image validate -version package_version_number
::> cluster image update -version package_version_number -estimate-only
::> cluster image update -version package_version_number
::> cluster image show-update-progress

::> cluster image show-update-log
::> cluster image pause-update
::> cluster image resume-update
::> cluster image cancel-update
::> cluster image show-update-history

::> net int revert *

::> autosupport invoke -node * -type all -message "MAINT=END Finishing_NDU"

DRIVE FW Instructions:

::> set -priv advanced
::*> storage firmware download -node local -package-url http://WEB_SERVER/
::*> storage disk show -fields firmware-revision,model
::*> system controller flash-cache show

SHELF FW Instructions:

::> set -priv advanced
::*> storage firmware download -node local -package-url http://WEB_SERVER/
::*> system node run -node local -command sysconfig -v

CISCO CN1610 FASTPATH Upgrade Instructions:

# wr mem

# show version
# show running-config
# show bootvar
# copy active backup
# show bootvar
# copy tftp://TFTPSERVER/CN1610_1.3.0.2.stk active
# reload

# show version
# show bootvar
# show running-config

YouTube Content - NetApp

In order of how useful I feel the channels are to me personally:

More Python and Other Learning:

The core learning for Python is the Udemy course:

Recommendation for Ansible on Udemy:

  • Ansible for the absolute beginner  by Mumshad Mannambet
  • Ansible advanced by Mumshad Mannambeth 


Cloud Insights Migration (Pages)


How to submit a SER:
OCIM Tools: https://tools.ocim.corp.******.com/
Jira: https://jira.ngage.******.com/
Case Escalations (Internal) https://******

Also useful:
