For contents see: 7 to C
Migration Methods for SnapMirrored 7-Mode Volumes: Part 1/7
Part 5) Method
2: Using 7MTT CLI Wizard to Migrate Our 7 to 7 SnapMirror Relationship
We revert the lab
to the state at the end of Part 3.
Note: This part is
a bit long since it contains a lot of the screen output (slightly abridged for
presentation purposes.)
Start > All
Programs > NetApp 7-Mode Transition Tool > NetApp 7-Mode Transition Tool
(cli) 1.2
7MTT CLI: Session for the SnapMirror
secondary - NAFAS2 - migrating to NASVM2
Step: Main menu
Select one of the following menu items:
1. Show all sessions
2. Create a new session
3. Select existing session
4. Exit
Enter your selection(1-4): 2
Help to select a session type:
standalone - transitioning volumes that are not in data-protection
relationship, or data-protection relationship should be ignored during
primary - transitioning volumes that are the source of a
data-protection relationship.
secondary - transitioning volumes that are the destination of a
data-protection relationship and these volumes be transitioned before the
primary volumes.
Select the type of the session {primary, secondary, standalone}
[standalone]: secondary
Step: Select the 7-Mode storage system
You can type 'back', 'exit', 'help' or '?' at any time.
Enter the FQDN or IP address of the secondary 7-Mode system: NAFAS2.lab.priv
Enter the administrative user-name for the secondary 7-Mode system
'NAFAS2.lab.priv' [root]:
Enter the password for 'root@NAFAS2.lab.priv':
Enter the SnapMirror source data copy IPv4 address :
Specifying another IP address of the 7-Mode system enables data
copy to proceed over more than one physical path. The copy process uses both
paths at the same time, therefore, load balancing the data transfers. The
primary IP address must be always available; otherwise the data copy fails and
does not continue by using the alternate IP address. Enter another IP address
for setting up multipath to the 7-Mode system(Press 'Enter' to skip):
INFO: This
session is saved under the temporary name: 'Session_20140504_173833'.
Step: Select 7-Mode volumes
Retrieving volume information from 7-Mode system 'vfiler0@NAFAS2'
Found 4 volumes that are candidates for transition on the 7-Mode
system 'vfiler0@NAFAS2':
VolumeName Size Used(%) Snapmirror
---------- ---- ------
vol2 2.00GB 5%
vol1 2.00GB 5%
vol0 3.30GB 13% -
vol3 2.00GB 5%
Enter the comma separated list of volumes for transition: vol1,vol2,vol3
You selected 3 volume(s):
VolumeName Size Used(%) Snapmirror
---------- ---- ------- ----------
vol1 2.00GB 5%
vol2 2.00GB 5% secondary
vol3 2.00GB 5%
Confirm your selection: yes
Step: Run precheck
Provide a name for this session [Session_20140504_173833]:
Do you want to run precheck on the session: yes
Verify feasibility of transition - Check if all the features and
functionality included in this session is supported in Cluster-Mode.
Starting 7-Mode Precheck for this session
This might take several minutes.
[1/13 ] Session status checks [Ok]
[2/13 ] Validating 7-Mode system information [Ok]
[3/13 ] Validating 7-Mode volumes information [Ok]
[4/13 ] WAFL prechecks [Ok]
[5/13 ] SNMP Prechecks [Warnings]
[6/13 ] RBAC Prechecks [Warnings]
[7/13 ] UNIX users and groups prechecks [Ok]
[8/13 ] SnapMirror prechecks [Warnings]
[9/13 ] NFS prechecks [Warnings]
[10/13] Networking prechecks [Warnings]
[11/13] CIFS prechecks [Warnings]
[12/13] Name services prechecks [Warnings]
[13/13] SAN prechecks [Ok]
Operation summary:
The 'precheck' operation is completed with warnings.
Errors - No action required
30 Warnings
- Need your attention!
Go through the list
of warnings, resolving or acknowledging them...
Next suggested steps:
1. Use the 'transition job-results -j 3c560d76-df81-449d-bdd7-722b3b392392'
command to see the results of this operation.
2. Carefully review the precheck operation results before
proceeding with the next step.
Step: Select target cluster
Enter the FQDN or management IP address of the secondary cluster: NACLU2.lab.priv
Enter the administrative user-name for the secondary cluster
'NACLU2.lab.priv' [admin]:
Enter the password for 'admin@NACLU2.lab.priv':
Step: Select target Vserver
In this step, you can select a Vserver from the list of existing
Vservers in the cluster or provide information about a new Vserver, which will
be created by the 'transition start' operation.
Retrieving Vserver information from the cluster 'NACLU2'
Vserver Root volume State
------- ----------- -----
NASVM2 rootvol running
Select an existing 'data' Vserver or enter a new Vserver name that
must be created during 'transition start' operation: NASVM2
Step: Configure target volumes
Retrieving aggregate information from the Cluster 'NACLU2'
Found 1 online aggregate(s) on this cluster:
Aggregate name Size
Used(%) Node
-------------- ----
------- ----
aggr1 16.70GB 0% NACLU2N1
Enter the comma separated list of aggregates to be used for Cluster-Mode
volume creation: aggr1
7-Mode volume C-Mode volume Size
Aggregate In-Session? Status
------------- ------------- ----
--------- ----------- ------
vol2 vol2 2.00GB aggr1 no
To be created
vol1 vol1 2.00GB aggr1 no
To be created
vol3 vol3 2.00GB aggr1 no
To be created
Select one of the following menu items:
1. Accept the settings and commit the information to the session.
2. Include,exclude,or modify volumes.
3. Select aggregates.
4. Skip and continue.
Enter your selection(1-4): 1
Step: Configure network information
Do you want to transition 7-Mode IP addresses {yes, no} [yes]: no
Specify the comma separated list of new IPv4 addresses that do not
exist on the 7-Mode storage system(Press 'Enter' to skip):
Step: Add details of the 7-Mode primary system
List of SnapMirror relationships between 7-Mode primary and
secondary, which can be added to the session are:
Source Host Source Volumes
Destination Host Destination
----------- --------------
---------------- -------------------
NAFAS1 vol2,vol1,vol3 NAFAS2.lab.priv vol2,vol1,vol3
Do you want to add details for the 7-Mode primary system 'NAFAS1':
Enter the FQDN or IP address of the 7-Mode primary system (or the
default vFiler unit if Multistore is licensed): NAFAS1.lab.priv
Enter the administrative user-name for the 7-Mode system
'NAFAS1.lab.priv’: root
Enter the password for 'root@NAFAS1.lab.priv':
Enter the SnapMirror source data copy IPv4 address:
Specifying another IP address of the 7-Mode system enables data
copy to proceed over more than one physical path. The copy process uses both
paths at the same time, therefore, load balancing the data transfers. The
primary IP address must be always available; otherwise the data copy fails and
does not continue by using the alternate IP address.
Enter another IP address for setting up multipath to the 7-Mode
system(Press 'Enter' to skip):
Step: Get the data copy schedule parameters
Fetching cron schedule information from the cluster 'NACLU2'
Found '5' cron schedules:
Cron schedule Description
------------- -----------
weekly Sun@0:15
hourly @:05
daily @0:10
Enter a cron schedule that exists in the cluster and which should
be used for SnapMirror updates: hourly
Step: Run precheck
Do you want to run precheck on the session {yes, no} [yes]:
Verify feasibility of transition - Check if all the features and
functionality included in this session is supported in Cluster-Mode.
Additionally, check for potential conflicts in configuration between the 7-Mode
and Cluster-Mode systems.
Starting full Precheck for this session 'Session_20140504_173833'.
This might take several minutes.
[1/16 ] Session status checks [Ok]
[2/16 ] Validating 7-Mode system information [Ok]
[3/16 ] Validating 7-Mode volumes information [Ok]
[4/16 ] Validating Cluster-Mode system information [Ok]
[5/16 ] Validating Cluster-Mode volume information [Ok]
[6/16 ] Validating LIF information [Ok]
[7/16 ] WAFL prechecks [Ok]
[8/16 ] SNMP Prechecks [Warnings]
[9/16 ] RBAC Prechecks [Warnings]
[10/16] UNIX users and groups prechecks [Warnings]
SnapMirror prechecks [Errors]
[12/16] NFS prechecks [Warnings]
[13/16] Networking prechecks [Warnings]
[14/16] CIFS
prechecks [Errors]
[15/16] Name services prechecks [Warnings]
[16/16] SAN prechecks [Ok]
Operation summary:
The 'precheck'
operation on the session 'Session_20140504_173833' has failed.
2 Errors
- Failed!
31 Warnings
- Need your attention!
1 Informational messages
Do you want to see a detailed report: yes
Fix the errors to
proceed! Go through the list of warnings, resolving or acknowledging them...
Note 1: The
SnapMirror precheck error is fixed here by:
options snapmirror.access host=NAFAS2,,
Note 2: The CIFS
precheck error is fixed by disabling the Windows Firewall on MSADM1 (7MTT box.)
Step: Main menu
Current session: Session_20140504_173833
Select one of the following menu items:
1. Show all sessions
2. Create a new session
3. Select existing session
4. View session status
5. Modify this session
6. Run precheck
7. Start data copy
8. Exit
Enter your selection(1-8): 6
Next suggested steps:
1. Use the 'transition job-results -j
241bed18-e96c-4ddc-9662-0f868486597c' command to see the results of this operation.
2. Carefully review the precheck operation results before
proceeding with the next step.
3. Select 'Start data copy' from the main menu or run the
transition CLI command 'transition start -s Session_20140504_173833' when you
are ready to start data copy to Cluster-Mode volumes.
Step: Main menu
Current session: Session_20140504_173833
Select one of the following menu items:
7. Start data copy
Enter your selection(1-8): 7
Step: Start data copy
Do you want to run the start (data copy) operation on this
session? YES
Running the start (data copy) operation on the session 'Session_20140504_173833'
[1/19 ] Session status checks [Ok]
[2/19 ] Validating 7-Mode system information [Ok]
[3/19 ] Validating 7-Mode volumes information [Ok]
[4/19 ] Validating Cluster-Mode system information [Ok]
[5/19 ] Validating Cluster-Mode volume information [Ok]
[6/19 ] Validating LIF information [Ok]
[7/19 ] WAFL prechecks [Ok]
[8/19 ] SNMP Prechecks [Warnings]
[9/19 ] RBAC Prechecks [Warnings]
[10/19] UNIX users and groups prechecks [Warnings]
[11/19] SnapMirror prechecks [Warnings]
[12/19] NFS prechecks [Warnings]
[13/19] Networking prechecks [Warnings]
[14/19] CIFS prechecks [Warnings]
[15/19] Name services prechecks [Warnings]
[16/19] SAN prechecks [Ok]
[17/19] Creating Cluster-Mode volumes [Ok]
[18/19] Establishing SnapMirror relationships between the 7-Mode
and C-Mode volumes [Ok]
[19/19] Initializing SnapMirror relationships between the 7-Mode
and C-Mode volumes [Ok]
Operation summary:
The 'start' operation is completed with warnings.
Errors - No action required
31 Warnings
- Need your attention!
7 Informational messages
Next suggested steps:
1. Use the 'transition job-results -j
088c4732-6a5e-4e07-9eb0-a81a2b708e28' command to see the results of this operation.
2. Monitor the session status by selecting 'View session status'
from the main menu or by running the following command: 'transition job-status
-j 088c4732-6a5e-4e07-9eb0-a81a2b708e28'.
3. Once the session status is 'Copy-update', cut-over operation
can be started by selecting 'Start cut-over' from the transition main menu or
by running 'transition complete -s Session_20140504_173833' command from the
Do you want to see the session status? YES
Session name:
Session status:
Session type:
Apply configuration:
7-Mode system FQDN:
7-Mode version:
NetApp Release 8.1.2P4 7-Mode: Fri Apr 26 19:57:25 PDT 2013
vFiler unit: vfiler0
Data-copy IP address:
Multipath IP address:
Cluster-Mode system FQDN:
Cluster-Mode system Version: NetApp Release 8.2.1 Cluster-Mode:
Fri Mar 21 14:25:07 PDT 2014
Vserver information:
vol1:vol1, vol2:vol2, vol3:vol3
Vserver data LIFs:
SnapMirror schedule:
Primary 7-Mode details:
7-Mode volume C-Mode volume Snapmirror state Comments
------------- ------------- ---------------- --------
vol1 vol1 snapmirrored/idle * Last transfer
size: 98.44MB
Last transfer duration: 27 seconds
* Lag time:
14 minutes 20 seconds
vol2 vol2 snapmirrored/idle * Last transfer
size: 98.44MB
Last transfer duration: 27 seconds
* Lag time: 14 minutes 20
vol3 vol3 snapmirrored/idle * Last transfer
size: 98.44MB
Last transfer duration: 27 seconds
* Lag time: 14 minutes 20 seconds
1. Baseline transfer from the 7-Mode volumes to the Cluster-Mode
volumes has been completed successfully. The session status is 'Copy-update'.
2. Cluster-Mode volumes are being updated periodically with the
7-Mode volumes based on the data copy schedule provided.
3. You can start the 'complete(cut-over)' operation by using the
transition CLI command 'transition complete -s Session_20140504_173833' or by
selecting 'Start cut-over' from the 'transition menu'.
7MTT CLI: Session for the SnapMirror
primary - NAFAS1 - migrating to NASVM1
Step: Main menu
Current session: Session_20140504_173833
Select one of the following menu items:
1. Show all sessions
2. Create a new session
3. Select existing session
4. View session status
5. Modify this session
6. Pause data copy
7. Resume data copy
8. Start cut-over
9. Abort this session
10. Exit
Enter your selection(1-10): 2
Help to select a session type:
primary - transitioning volumes that are the source of a
data-protection relationship.
Select the type of the session {primary, secondary, standalone}: primary
Step: Select the 7-Mode storage system
Enter the FQDN or IP address of the primary 7-Mode system: NAFAS1.lab.priv
Enter the administrative user-name for the primary 7-Mode system
'NAFAS1.lab.priv': root
Enter the password for 'root@NAFAS1.lab.priv':
Enter the SnapMirror source data copy IPv4 address:
Enter another IP address for setting up multipath to the 7-Mode
system(Press 'Enter' to skip):
Step: Select 7-Mode volumes
Retrieving volume information from 7-Mode system 'vfiler0@NAFAS1'
Found 4 volumes that are candidates for transition on the 7-Mode
system 'vfiler0@NAFAS1':
VolumeName Size Used(%)
---------- ---- ------- ----------
vol2 2.00GB 5% fan-out(2)
vol1 2.00GB 5% fan-out(2)
vol0 3.30GB 13% -
vol3 2.00GB 5% fan-out(2)
Enter the comma separated list of volumes for transition: vol1,vol2,vol3
You selected 3 volume(s):
VolumeName Size Used(%)
---------- ---- ------- ----------
vol1 2.00GB 5% fan-out(2)
vol2 2.00GB 5% fan-out(2)
vol3 2.00GB 5% fan-out(2)
Confirm your selection: YES
Step: Run precheck
Provide a name for this session: NAFAS1toNASVM1
Do you want to run precheck on the session: YES
Go through the list
of warnings, resolving or acknowledging them...
Operation summary:
The 'precheck' operation is completed with warnings.
0 Errors - No action required
30 Warnings
- Need your attention!
Next suggested steps:
1. Use the 'transition job-results -j
b3bb8b3b-0db5-4fc3-b79c-83c934594988' command to see the results of this operation.
2. Carefully review the precheck operation results before
proceeding with the next step.
Step: Select target cluster
Enter the FQDN or management IP address of the primary cluster: NACLU1.lab.priv
Enter the administrative user-name for the primary cluster 'NACLU1.lab.priv':
Enter the password for 'admin@NACLU1.lab.priv':
Step: Select target Vserver
In this step, you can select a Vserver from the list of existing
Vservers in the cluster or provide information about a new Vserver, which will
be created by the 'transition start' operation.
Retrieving Vserver information from the cluster 'NACLU1'
Vserver Root volume State
------- ----------- -----
NASVM1 rootvol running
Select an existing 'data' Vserver or enter a new Vserver name that
must be created during 'transition start' operation: NASVM1
Step: Configure target volumes
Retrieving aggregate information from the Cluster 'NACLU1'
Found 1 online aggregate(s) on this cluster:
Aggregate name Size
Used(%) Node
-------------- ----
------- ----
aggr1 16.70GB 0% NACLU1N1
Enter the comma separated list of aggregates to be used for Cluster-Mode
volume creation: aggr1
7-Mode volume C-Mode volume Size
Aggregate In-Session? Status
------------- ------------- ----
--------- ----------- ------
vol2 vol2 2.00GB aggr1 no To be created
vol1 vol1 2.00GB aggr1 no To be created
vol3 vol3 2.00GB aggr1 no To be created
Select one of the following menu items:
1. Accept the settings and commit the information to the session.
2. Include,exclude,or modify volumes.
3. Select aggregates.
4. Skip and continue.
Enter your selection(1-4): 1
Step: Configure network information
Do you want to transition 7-Mode IP addresses: no
Specify the comma separated list of new IPv4 addresses that do not
exist on the 7-Mode storage system(Press 'Enter' to skip):
Step: Add details of the Cluster-Mode secondary system
List of SnapMirror relations between 7-Mode primary and C-Mode
secondary(possibly), which are not yet added to the session:
7-Mode primary Primary volumes Destination Vserver Destination
-------------- --------------- -------------------
NAFAS1 vol2 NAFAS2 vol2
NAFAS1 vol1 NAFAS2 vol1
NAFAS1 vol3 NAFAS2 vol3
INFO: Entries
in the 'Destination Vserver' column may not represent the Vserver. If it is not
a Vserver no need to add it to the session.
Do you want to add details for the Vserver 'NAFAS2' (Enter 'no' if
it is not a Vserver): no
Step: Get the data copy schedule parameters
Fetching cron schedule information from the cluster 'NACLU1'
Found '5' cron schedules:
Cron schedule name Description
------------------ -----------
weekly Sun@0:15
8hour @2:15,10:15,18:15
5min @:00,:05,:10,:15,:20,:25,:30,:35,:40,:45,:50,:55
hourly @:05
daily @0:10
Enter a cron schedule that exists in the cluster and which should
be used for SnapMirror updates: hourly
Step: Run precheck
Do you want to run precheck on the session: yes
Operation summary:
The 'precheck' operation is completed with warnings.
Errors - No action required
33 Warnings
- Need your attention!
1 Informational messages
Next suggested steps:
1. Use the 'transition job-results -j
93a9fd3b-680c-42f9-87ad-66d8fa5884fd' command to see the results of this operation.
2. Carefully review the precheck operation results before
proceeding with the next step.
3. Select 'Start data copy' from the main menu or run the transition
CLI command 'transition start -s NAFAS1toNASVM1' when you are ready to start
data copy to Cluster-Mode volumes.
Step: Main menu
Current session: NAFAS1toNASVM1
7. Start data copy
Enter your selection(1-8): 7
Step: Start data copy
Do you want to run the start (data copy) operation on this
session? YES
Running the start (data copy) operation on the session
[1/19 ] Session status checks [Ok]
[2/19 ] Validating 7-Mode system information [Ok]
[3/19 ] Validating 7-Mode volumes information [Ok]
[4/19 ] Validating Cluster-Mode system information [Ok]
[5/19 ] Validating Cluster-Mode volume information [Ok]
[6/19 ] Validating LIF information [Ok]
[7/19 ] WAFL prechecks [Ok]
[8/19 ] SNMP Prechecks [Warnings]
[9/19 ] RBAC Prechecks [Warnings]
[10/19] UNIX users and groups prechecks [Warnings]
[11/19] SnapMirror prechecks [Warnings]
[12/19] NFS prechecks [Warnings]
[13/19] Networking prechecks [Warnings]
[14/19] CIFS prechecks [Warnings]
[15/19] Name services prechecks [Warnings]
[16/19] SAN prechecks [Ok]
[17/19] Creating Cluster-Mode volumes [Ok]
[18/19] Establishing SnapMirror relationships between the 7-Mode
and C-Mode volumes [Ok]
[19/19] Initializing SnapMirror relationships between the 7-Mode
and C-Mode volumes [Ok]
Operation summary:
The 'start' operation is completed with warnings.
0 Errors - No action required
33 Warnings
- Need your attention!
7 Informational messages
Next suggested steps:
1. Use the 'transition job-results -j
6a3d4563-b715-483b-a7e0-df6a4a62814f' command to see the results of this operation.
2. Monitor the session status by selecting 'View session status'
from the main menu or by running the following command: 'transition job-status
-j 6a3d4563-b715-483b-a7e0-df6a4a62814f'.
3. Once the session status is 'Copy-update', cut-over operation
can be started by selecting 'Start cut-over' from the transition main menu or
by running 'transition complete -s NAFAS1toNASVM1' command from the CLI.
Do you want to see the session status? YES
Session name:
Session status:
Session type:
Apply configuration:
7-Mode system FQDN:
7-Mode version:
NetApp Release 8.1.2P4 7-Mode: Fri Apr 26 19:57:25 PDT 2013
vFiler unit:
Data-copy IP address:
Multipath IP address:
Cluster-Mode system FQDN:
Cluster-Mode system Version: NetApp Release 8.2.1 Cluster-Mode:
Fri Mar 21 14:25:07 PDT 2014
Vserver information:
vol1:vol1, vol2:vol2, vol3:vol3
Vserver data LIFs:
SnapMirror schedule:
Secondary cluster details:
7-Mode volume C-Mode volume Snapmirror state Comments
------------- ------------- --------------- --------
vol1 vol1
snapmirrored/idle * Last transfer
size: 98.61MB
* Last transfer duration: 30
* Lag time: 4 minutes 13
vol2 vol2
snapmirrored/idle * Last transfer
size: 98.61MB
* Last transfer duration: 30
* Lag time: 4 minutes 13
vol3 vol3
snapmirrored/idle * Last transfer
size: 98.61MB
* Last transfer duration: 30
* Lag time: 4 minutes 14 seconds
1. Baseline transfer from the 7-Mode volumes to the Cluster-Mode
volumes has been completed successfully. The session status is 'Copy-update'.
2. Cluster-Mode volumes are being updated periodically with the
7-Mode volumes based on the data copy schedule provided.
3. You can start the 'complete(cut-over)' operation by using the
transition CLI command 'transition complete -s NAFAS1toNASVM1' or by selecting
'Start cut-over' from the 'transition menu'.
7MTT CLI: Cutover NAFAS2 to NASVM2
Step: Main menu
Current session: NAFAS1toNASVM1
1. Show all sessions
Enter your selection(1-10): 1
Name Type 7-Mode system Cluster-Mode system Status
---- ---- ------------- ------------------- ------
NAFAS1toNASVM1 primary NAFAS1.lab.priv:vfiler0 NACLU1.lab.priv:NASVM1 Copy-update
secondary NAFAS2.lab.priv:vfiler0 NACLU2.lab.priv:NASVM2 Copy-update
Step: Main menu
Current session: NAFAS1toNASVM1
3. Select existing session
Enter your selection(1-10): 3
Enter an existing session name (Enter '?' or 'help' to see
sessions list): Session_20140504_173833
Enter the administrative user-name for the secondary 7-Mode system
'NAFAS2.lab.priv': root
Enter the password for 'root@NAFAS2.lab.priv':
Enter the administrative user-name for the secondary cluster
'NACLU2.lab.priv’: admin
Enter the password for 'admin@NACLU2.lab.priv':
Enter the administrative user-name for the 7-Mode system
'NAFAS1.lab.priv': root
Enter the password for 'root@NAFAS1.lab.priv':
Step: Main menu
Current session: Session_20140504_173833
8. Start cut-over
Enter your selection(1-10): 8
Step: Start the cutover operation
Do you want to run the complete (cut-over) operation on this
session? YES
This complete operation can be run in either of the following two
Test mode: If you select test mode, all the 7-Mode IP addresses
and volumes added to the session are not modified in any way. All the client
applications can continue to access data from the 7-Mode storage system after
the complete operation. All the LIFs added to the session will be created on
the Vserver in the 'down' state.
Normal mode: If you select normal mode, all the 7-Mode IP
addresses added to the session will be unconfigured on the 7-Mode storage
system and created on the Vserver in the 'up' state. All the 7-Mode volumes
added to the session are made offline.
Select the mode in which you want to run this complete operation
{normal, test}: normal
Running the complete operation on the session
[ 1/8 ] Complete prechecks [Ok]
[ 2/8 ] Performing a final copy update from the 7-Mode volumes to
Cluster-Mode volumes [Ok]
[ 3/8 ] Breaking and deleting SnapMirror relationships between the
7-Mode and Cluster-Mode volumes [Ok]
[ 4/8 ] Collecting configuration from the 7-Mode system [Ok]
[ 5/8 ] Translating 7-Mode configurations for the Cluster-Mode
environment [Ok]
[ 6/8 ] Applying configurations to the Vserver and its volumes [Ok]
[ 7/8 ] Establishing SnapMirror relationships between the 7-Mode
primary and Cluster-Mode secondary volumes [Warnings]
[ 8/8 ] Taking the 7-Mode volumes offline [Ok]
Operation summary:
The 'complete' operation is completed with warnings.
Errors - No action required
4 Warnings - Need your attention!
65 Informational messages
Next suggested steps:
1. Use the 'transition job-results -j 365e97e4-2d25-4912-a293-3715b2404d1c'
command to see the results of this operation.
2. Review results of the complete operation before enabling client
Note: One thing I
noticed later on was “7/8: Establishing relations between the 7-Mode primary and
Cluster-Mode secondary...” I might have missed a step since these were left in
place after I’d cutover the primary. You’d have this relationship to make sure
the secondary has a copy of the latest data (and the all-important ‘in-common’
snapshot so the C to C relationship can be re-synced.) Using the next method - 7MTT CLI commands - we don’t have this
7MTT CLI: Cutover NAFAS1 to NASVM1
On MSADM1, disconnect CIFS shares U, V and W:
net use U: /delete
net use V: /delete
net use W: /delete
On NAFAS1, run these commands:
set advanced
terminate -v vol1
terminate -v vol2
terminate -v vol3
Step: Main menu
Current session: Session_20140504_173833
3. Select existing session
Enter your selection(1-5):
Enter an existing session name (Enter '?' or 'help' to see sessions
list): NAFAS1toNASVM1
Enter the administrative user-name for the primary 7-Mode system
'NAFAS1.lab.priv': root
Enter the password for 'root@NAFAS1.lab.priv':
Enter the administrative user-name for the primary cluster
'NACLU1.lab.priv': admin
Enter the password for 'admin@NACLU1.lab.priv':
Step: Main menu
Current session: NAFAS1toNASVM1
8. Start cut-over
Enter your selection(1-10): 8
Step: Start the cutover operation
Do you want to run the complete (cut-over) operation on this
session? YES
Select the mode in which you want to run this complete operation: normal
Running the complete operation on the session 'NAFAS1toNASVM1'
[ 1/8 ] Complete prechecks [Ok]
[ 2/8 ] Performing a final copy update from the 7-Mode volumes to
Cluster-Mode volumes [Ok]
[ 3/8 ] Breaking and deleting SnapMirror relationships between the
7-Mode and Cluster-Mode volumes [Ok]
[ 4/8 ] Collecting configuration from the 7-Mode system
[ 5/8 ] Translating 7-Mode configurations for the Cluster-Mode
environment [Ok]
[ 6/8 ] Applying configurations to the Vserver and its volumes
[ 7/8 ] Establishing SnapMirror relationships between the primary
and secondary Cluster-Mode volumes [Ok]
[ 8/8 ] Taking the 7-Mode volumes offline [Ok]
Operation summary:
The 'complete' operation is completed with warnings.
Errors - No action required
1 Warnings - Need your attention!
52 Informational messages
Next suggested steps:
1. Use the 'transition job-results -j
39e4880d-ba7c-4d90-8af5-7be6b4bb49b3' command to see the results of this operation.
2. Review results of the complete operation before enabling client
MSDMC01: Update the CNAME for FS1 to point
Update the CNAME FS1 (which pointed to NANAS1.lab.priv)
to point to NASVM1.lab.priv.
MSADM01: Remount the shares and test data
ipconfig /flushdns
net use U: \\FS1\share1 /persistent:yes
net use V: \\FS1\share2 /persistent:yes
net use W: \\FS1\share3 /persistent:yes
Cutover complete!
Complete tidy up tasks as required.
Note: I might have
missed a step! The snapmirror relations from primary to secondary Cluster-Mode
volumes were not in place after the cutover (Part 7 details creating these.) Using
the next method - 7MTT CLI commands -
we don’t have this problem.
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