Continuing from this
post here
Note: This post is
intentionally not verbose - essentially just capturing some screenshots...
1) Log into OCUM
Image 1: Logging
into OCUM 6.3
2) Adding Clusters
Storage >
Click + Add
Fill in the Cluster details
Click Add
And wait for discovery to complete
Image 2: Adding
Clusters to OCUM 6.3
3) OCUM 6.3
After adding Clusters, further configuration of OCUM is
optional and depends on requirements.
Image 3: OCUM 6.3 Administration
drop down and Setup Options
3.1) Setup Options
“You can use the
Setup Options dialog box to configure global threshold values, management
server options, and notification settings.”
3.1.1: Thresholds
- “The Threshold options enable you to
configure the global threshold values for aggregates, volumes, and
+ Aggregates
+ Volumes
+ Relationships
3.1.2: Management
Server - “The Management Server
settings enable you to configure settings related to AutoSupport, HTTPS
certificates, and authentication”
+ AutoSupport
++ Periodic AutoSupport: Enable/Disable
++ On-Demand AutoSupport: Send to Tech Support/ Email
++ View/Regenerate/Download CSR/Install HTTPS Certificate
+ Authentication
++ Enable Remote Authentication
Image 4: OCUM 6.3 Enable
Remote Authentication with Active Directory
Note: Default Port
for AD Authentication Server is 389.
Secure connection uses port 636.
3.1.3: General
Settings - “The General Settings
enable you to configure settings related to notifications”
+ Notification
Image 5: OCUM 6.3
General Settings - Notification
3.1.4: Quota
Settings - “The Quota Settings enable
you to configure settings related to user and group quota email notifications”
+ Email Address
+ Email
Notification Format
3.1.5: Add-ons
- “The Add-ons enable you to configure
add-on settings like Workflow Automation”
+ Workflow
Image 6: OCUM 6.3
Set Up OnCommand Workflow Automation
3.2) Manage Alerts
“The Manage Alerts
page displays a list of alerts and provides information about the alert name,
status, notification method, and notification frequency. You can also add,
edit, remove, enable, or disable alerts from this page.”
Image 7: OCUM 6.3
Manage Alerts
3.3) Manage
“The Manage
Annotations page enables you to create annotations in Unified Manager that can
be used to annotate storage objects using annotation rules. Storage objects are
annotated dynamically based on the annotation rules you create for annotations.”
3.4) Manage Data
“The Manage Data
Sources page enables you to view the statuses of data sources (clusters) that
are added to the Unified Manager database. You can also view other details,
such as the operation supported by the data source, state of the current
operation, start and end time of the operation, and description of the operation.”
3.5) Manage Events
“The Manage Events
page displays the list of events that are disabled and provides information
such as the associated object type and severity of the event. You can also
perform tasks such as disabling or enabling events globally.”
3.6) Manage Groups
“The Manage Groups
page enables you to create groups in Unified Manager to easily manage storage
objects. A group is a dynamic collection of storage objects (clusters, volumes,
and SVMs), which is defined by the group rules you create for the group.”
3.7) Manage
“The Manage Scripts
page enables you to add your custom scripts to Unified Manager. You can
associate these scripts with alerts to enable automatic reconfiguration of
storage objects.”
3.8) Manage Users
“The Manage Users
page displays a list of your users and groups, and provides information such as
the name, type of user, and email address.”
Image 8: OCUM 6.3
Manage Users -> Add User
Type = Local User:
Roles = OnCommand Administrator, Storage
Administrator, Operator, Event Publisher
Type = Database
User: Roles = Integration Schema,
Report Schema
3.9) Database
“The Backup and
Restore page displays a list of backups created by Unified Manager and provides
information about the backup name, size, creation time, and schedule. You can
also restore backups from this page.”
Image 9: OCUM 6.3
Database Backup -> Database Backup Settings
4) Reports
“The Reports page
enables you to view detailed information about the reports that you generate.
You can search for a specific report, save a report, and delete a report. You
can also schedule, share, and import a report.”
Image 10: OCUM 6.3
Reports -> Manage Report Schedules
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