Pre-Cluster Setup Image Build Recipe for 8.3.2 SIM

A minor update to the 8.3.1 build recipe, partly because there is an 8.3.2 version of the VSIM available which I really should be using, partly because I’m … ahem … on holiday (I’ve not shipped my lab machine with me on the plane), but mostly because of Bushmr’s awesome comment to the previous recipe - thank you so much Bushmr!

Note: This is in VMware Workstation 12.

Part 1) Up to Completing Node Setup

1.1) Download and deploy the OVA (vsim-netapp-DOT8.3.2-cm.ova) - this is very simple to do!

Image: Deploying the OVA

1.2) Add additional Virtual Network Adapters as required.
1.3) Power on the virtual machine
1.4) When it says -

Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt

- press any other key

1.5) Run the following commands from VLOADER>

setenv bootarg.vm.no_poweroff_on_halt false
setenv bootarg.nvram.sysid XXXXXXXXXX
setenv bootarg.sim.vdevinit 31:14:0,31:14:1,31:14:2,31:14:3
setenv bootarg.vm.sim.vdevinit 31:14:0,31:14:1,31:14:2,31:14:3
printenv bootarg.vm.no_poweroff_on_halt
printenv bootarg.nvram.sysid
printenv bootarg.sim.vdevinit
printenv bootarg.vm.sim.vdevinit

Note on serial number/sysid:
Replace XXXXXXX-XX-X and XXXXXXXXXX with the serial number you want to give your SIM. You will need license keys for that serial. If you only intend to have one SIM, don’t bother changing the Serial Number and Sysid. The 8.3.2 SIM serial numbers are below:
4082368511 (Original ESX build)
4082368507 (Original VM Workstation/Player/Fusion build)
4034389062 (Second node in a cluster)
And if you’ve been recording all the serial numbers and license keys for all the cDOT Simulators ever released with V2 licenses codes, then by now you’ll have a lot of different sets of serial number and - serial-number-linked - feature license keys.

Note on vdevinit:
The simulator as standard has 2 shelves of 14 x 1 GB disks (28 GB total). The vdevinit environment variables allow the simulator be initialized differently. The entries above initialize the SIM with 4 shelves of 14 x 4 GB (type 31) disks (224 GB total.) There is a 9 GB (type 36) disk - which would allow up to 504 GB total - and you can use this no problem, you will likely at some point need to resize Hard Disk 4 on the SIM though (which is only 230.7 GB).
{See the Appendix below for different types of VSIM disks}

1.6) When it says -

* Press Ctrl-C for Boot Menu *

- press Ctrl-C

1.7) In the Boot Menu, select -

(4) Clean configuration and initialize all disks

- and follow the prompts with y, to kick off the wipeconfig request:

Zero disks, reset config and install a new file system? y
This will erase all the data on the disks, are you sure? y

Wait for the wipeconfig request to complete

1.8) Welcome to node setup...

Type yes to confirm (AutoSupport) and continue {yes}: yes
Enter the node management interface port [e0c]:
Enter the node management interface IP address: X.X.X.X
Enter the node management interface netmask: X.X.X.X
Enter the node management interface default gateway: X.X.X.X

Note: Replace X.X.X.X as required.

1.9) Login as admin (initially there is no password):

login: admin

Part 2) Pre-Cluster Setup Enabling SSH (PuTTY) Access

Since it’s a pain doing stuff via the console (no copy and paste), we enable SSH access to our pre-cluster setup node.

::> security login password

Please enter your current password:
Enter a new password:
Enter it again:

::> security login create -vserver Default -user-or-group-name admin -application ssh -authmethod password -role admin

Then use an SSH client to access the node management IP

Part 3) Assigning Disks, Making the Root Vol and Root Aggregate bigger, Halt and VM Snapshot

Note: The following assumes we’re using the 4 GB (type 31) disks.

The root vol on a VSIM is small - the standard VSIM with 1 GB disks, has a root aggr of ~1 GB and the root vol is 95% of this size -  and can fill up with logs and take the node offline. So, we do the following:

1) Assign all disks
2) Add two more disks to aggr0
3) Verify no snapshot schedule on aggr0
4) Delete any aggregate snapshots on aggr0
5) Make sure aggr0 has 0% snapshot space
6) Resize vol0 to ~75% of aggr0’s size

::> node run local
> disk assign all
> aggr add aggr0 2
> snap sched -A aggr0 0 0 0
> snap delete -a -A aggr0
> aggr options aggr0 percent_snapshot_space 0
> df -A -m
> vol size vol0 8100m
> exit
::> rows 0
::> disk show -container-type aggregate
::> disk show -container-type spare
::> aggr show

You should have 56 disks - 5 in aggr0 and 51 spares, and an aggr0 of size 10.55 GB and 75% used (by vol0).

Finally, halt the node and take a snapshot of this nice pre-Cluster setup build.

::> system node halt local

Appendix: Different Types of VSIM Disk

Type Vendor ID Product ID       Usable Size[B] Actual Size[B]  Zero  BPS   RPM
  0  NETAPP__  VD-16MB_________     16,777,216     38,273,024   No   512  10000
  1  NETAPP__  VD-35MB_________     35,913,728     57,409,536   No   512  10000
  2  NETAPP__  VD-50MB_________     52,428,800     73,924,608   No   512  10000
  3  NETAPP__  VD-100MB________    104,857,600    126,353,408   No   512  10000
  4  NETAPP__  VD-500MB________    524,288,000    545,783,808   No   512  10000
  5  NETAPP__  VD-1000MB_______  1,048,576,000  1,070,071,808   No   512  10000
  6  NETAPP__  VD-16MB-FZ______     16,777,216     38,273,024   Yes  512  15000
  7  NETAPP__  VD-35MB-FZ______     35,913,728     57,409,536   Yes  512  15000
  8  NETAPP__  VD-50MB-FZ______     52,428,800     73,924,608   Yes  512  15000
  9  NETAPP__  VD-100MB-FZ_____    104,857,600    126,353,408   Yes  512  15000
 10  NETAPP__  VD-500MB-FZ_____    524,288,000    545,783,808   Yes  512  15000
 11  NETAPP__  VD-1000MB-FZ____  1,048,576,000  1,070,071,808   Yes  512  15000
 12  NETAPP__  VD-16MB-520_____     16,777,216     38,273,024   No   520  10000
 13  NETAPP__  VD-35MB-520_____     35,913,728     57,409,536   No   520  10000
 14  NETAPP__  VD-50MB-520_____     52,428,800     73,924,608   No   520  10000
 15  NETAPP__  VD-100MB-520____    104,857,600    126,353,408   No   520  10000
 16  NETAPP__  VD-500MB-520____    524,288,000    545,783,808   No   520  10000
 17  NETAPP__  VD-1000MB-520___  1,048,576,000  1,070,071,808   No   520  10000
 18  NETAPP__  VD-16MB-FZ-520__     16,777,216     38,273,024   Yes  520  15000
 19  NETAPP__  VD-35MB-FZ-520__     35,913,728     57,409,536   Yes  520  15000
 20  NETAPP__  VD-50MB-FZ-520__     52,428,800     73,924,608   Yes  520  15000
 21  NETAPP__  VD-100MB-FZ-520_    104,857,600    126,353,408   Yes  520  15000
 22  NETAPP__  VD-500MB-FZ-520_    524,288,000    545,783,808   Yes  520  15000
 23  NETAPP__  VD-1000MB-FZ-520  1,048,576,000  1,070,071,808   Yes  520  15000
 24  NETAPP__  VD-16MB-FZ-ATA__     16,777,216     51,388,416   Yes  512   7200
 25  NETAPP__  VD-35MB-FZ-ATA__     36,700,160     73,801,728   Yes  512   7200
 26  NETAPP__  VD-50MB-FZ-ATA__     52,428,800     91,496,448   Yes  512   7200
 27  NETAPP__  VD-100MB-FZ-ATA_    104,857,600    150,478,848   Yes  512   7200
 28  NETAPP__  VD-500MB-FZ-ATA_    524,288,000    622,338,048   Yes  512   7200
 29  NETAPP__  VD-1000MB-FZ-ATA  1,048,576,000  1,212,162,048   Yes  512   7200
 30  NETAPP__  VD-2000MB-FZ-520  2,097,512,000  2,119,007,808   Yes  520  15000
 31  NETAPP__  VD-4000MB-FZ-520  4,194,304,000  4,215,799,808   Yes  520  15000
 32  NETAPP__  VD-2000MB-FZ-ATA  2,097,512,000  2,391,810,048   Yes  512   7200
 33  NETAPP__  VD-4000MB-FZ-ATA  4,194,304,000  4,751,106,048   Yes  512   7200
 34  NETAPP__  VD-100MB-SS-512_    104,857,600    126,353,408   Yes  512  15000
 35  NETAPP__  VD-500MB-SS-520_    524,288,000    545,783,808   Yes  520  15000
 36  NETAPP__  VD-9000MB-FZ-520  9,437,184,000  9,458,679,808   Yes  520  15000
 37  NETAPP__  VD-9000MB-FZ-ATA  9,437,184,000 10,649,346,048   Yes  512   7200
