Work In Progress
Some more NetApp Cloud Insights REST API with Python basics here.
Again using Python like a shell, no creating and running scripts.
We want to update some annotations via the REST API. We have already got a list of annotations not found in CI using the method here: Comparing OCI vs CI Annotations and Annotation Values.
0) Setup
Notes: 1) We're just running things directly in the Python Client, no creating scripts here. 2) Update the highlighted bits as per your CI tenant.
- import requests
- import urllib3
- urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
- apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
- yourTenant = ""
- baseUrl = "https://" + yourTenant + "/rest/v1/"
- headers = {'X-CloudInsights-ApiKey': '{key}'.format(key=apiKey)}
1) Get Annotation ID from the Annotation Name
This is written as a Python one liner.
a = "YOURANNOTATION";j = requests.get(baseUrl + "assets/annotations/" + a, headers=headers, verify=False).json();j['id']
Other useful stuff - 1) To get display all the values2) The count of all the values:
for v in j['enumValues']: print(v['name'])
Other useful stuff - 2) The count of all the values:
Other useful stuff - 3) Finding out if the value is already in enumValues:
values = []
for v in j['enumValues']: values += [v['name']]
if 'TEST_DATA' in values: print("EXISTS!")
2) Add a Value to the Annotation you've just got the Annotation ID for
2.1) Type FLEXIBLE_ENUM (List in the UI)
The REST API to add the annotation is:
PATCH /assets/annotations/{id}
The request body needs to include all the existing values (you could remove existing values that aren't in use and no longer required) and the new value(s).
For example, for a Country annotation where you already have Argentina and Brazil, and you want to add Chile, the request body is:
"name": "Country",
"description": "",
"enumValues": [
"name": "ARGENTINA"
"label": "ARGENTINA"
"name": "BRAZIL"
"label": "BRAZIL"
"name": "CHILE"
"label": "CHILE"
In Python we can use (also see here):
requests.patch(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers, verify=False)
To be continued.
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