Brocade FOS Commands Refresher

A simple post refreshing my knowledge of Brocade FOS CLI commands that I've used over the years:

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  • ## Brocade ##
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  • ### Basic Config ##
  • ##
  • ## switchname SWITCHNAME
  • ## ipaddrset
  • ## ipaddrshow
  • ## tstimezone --interactive
  • ## date # format MMddhhmmyy (month,day,hour,minute,year)

  • ### CFG Commands ##
  • ##
  • ## cfgdisable
  • ## cfgclear
  • ## cfgcreate "CFG_NAME","ZONE1"
  • ## cfgadd "CFG_NAME","ZONE2"
  • ## cfgenable "CFG_NAME"
  • ## cfgsave
  • #> cfgshow

  • > clihistory --showall
  • # configDefault
  • # configDownload
  • # configUpload

  • > fabricshow # will see switches in the fabric
  • # fastboot # also reboot

  • ### Firmware
  • ##
  • ## firmwaredownload
  • ## firmwaredownload -s
  • ## firmwareshow
  • ## version

  • # fosconfig --disable vf
  • > islshow

  • # portcfgdefault 0
  • # portcfgspeed 0 8 # port & 8/16/32/64 Gbps

  • # licensePort --method dynamic
  • > licensePort --show

  • ### E-Ports (portcfg) example: Start ##
  • ##
  • ## portcfgtrunkport 40 1  # 1 = IOD (0 = OOD)
  • ## portcfgtrunkport 41 1  # 1 = IOD (0 = OOD)
  • ## portcfgqos --enable 40
  • ## portcfgqos --enable 41
  • #> portcfgshow # Will see "ON" for 'Trunk Port'
  • ##
  • ### Distance is set to 1.5 times the real distance (in km). Use LE for distance less than 10km. Otherwise LS and the distance setting. ##
  • ##
  • ## portcfglongdistance 40 LS 1 -distance 30
  • ## portcfglongdistance 41 LS 1 -distance 30
  • #> portbuffershow # Will see 'Link Distance'

  • > porterrshow

  • > sfpshow -all
  • # switchCfgPersistentDisable
  • # switchCfgPersistentEnable
  • > switchshow # switchDomain, switchRole (Principal/Subordinate) ...
  • # supportsave
  • > supportshow

  • > trunkshow # trunk information

  • > zoneshow

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  • # ONTAP #
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  • ::> storage port disable -node NODENAME -port PORTNAME

APPENDIX: Cosonok Brocade Posts Across the Years

I don't do that much Brocade work, but have done my fair share over the years. The blog is a very useful way of reminding me about stuff I've done in the past. Without the blog I'd have totally forgotten about much of this stuff.

Also, another very useful blog:

Other reading:
